☆Chapter Three☆

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Sunday 9:00am

The seats were quickly filled up as MC Jin easily directs the current students to sit at the back while Jackson guides the new students to sit at the first few front rows.

*Behind the curtains*

Jun p.o.v

I peeked through the curtains the students were all seated chatting amongst themselves . I observe the students trying to memorise some faces incase I have them in my class

Hmm- oh! A student caught my eye, he looks familiar. I squint my eyes to take a closer look "Minghao! Minghao! Come here look! " I wave my hand at him.

"What" Minghao whispers behind me. I point to the familiar student.
" It's Bi Wenjun!"

He peeps through the curtains too and spots the target. "Oh Bi Wenjun!" He blurts out a bit loudly.

I shused him and before anyone sees I quickly drag Minghao back .

"Hey Jun, Minghao! Come here" Henry quietly calls for us.

Bi Wenjun po.v

"Oh Bi Wejun!" I hear someone call me.

"Yes?" I turn around.
"Huh?" Quanzhe looked at me confused ,It wasn't him? "Nothing" I reply. I'm sure I heard someone call me but it wasn't any of my friends because the voice doesn't belong to any of them maybe I misheard it? There can be someone with the same name as mine but that voice sounds so familiar.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud husky voice.

"Ayyyyy Wassup everyone!" All the students at the back cheered as a man in a red suit walks on stage. The short man bows "My name is Jackson Wang I am a teacher at this school. I teach P.E and Rap you would see me around a lot. Trust me we will get along!"

Wow he's a cool teacher! I wonder if all teachers at this school are this energetic!

Jackson speaks again.
"Welcome to 'Balance College' where you can find your perfect Balance!
'Balance college' it has been 4 years since this school was created by the one and only legend Zhang Yixing!~"

Everyone claps while the curtains open up.

Standing behind the speech stand is a man slightly taller than Jackson. He's wearing a navy blue suit, a white button up shirt underneath and a silver badge pinned on the left pocket. He smiles showing his dimples.

"Thank you Mr Wang.
Good morning to all new students. And Welcome to Balance college"

*everyone claps*

"Balance college is a place where us teachers help you het prepared for your future career!.... To graduate you not only have to have good grades but to have PERFECT BALANCE!"

What? Balance? Is this like a motto or something?

"What does he mean? balance?" I ask Chengcheng next to me. "How should I know?" He replied "Hey your sister teaches this school" "Yeah she's, does not me"Chengcheng whispered and continued to listen to Zhang Yixing's speech.

"So this upcoming year we have schedules and events coming up too. From now on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning the all students need to be at the field before 8am for a COMPULSORY morning run!"

Mr Zhang smiles, We all cry.

"Noooooooo" "I didn't enroll for this!" "Whaaat?" "Great I have wake up extra early" complaints and whining was the only sounds heard.

"If you aren't going to participate the please get out" he sounds dead serious. The auditorium is now silent.

"Each class will be an hour long. You should have 4-6 classes each weekday excluding dance, music and drama classes. Your curfew is 11pm-6am, unless you have a reason to be outside the campus during those hours you must tell a teacher or the receptionist.
If you have complaints about your dorm mate or neighbour you can talk to our counsellor Jolin Tsai and we can rearrange the dorm plan.

Also the female staff block is forbidden , you cannot enter without their permission..."

Mr Zhang goes on and on about the school rules, events and sport clubs that have already been listed on the pamphlet that I read.

Getting bored my eyes wander around the stage when I make eye contact with a teacher ... I recognize him ehhhhh Ah! Xu Minghao and next to him is Jun.
He softly smiles at me. I grin back at him.

"Dude are you okay?" Chengcheng asks. "Looks like you're not the only one with a relative as a teacher" I happily told him.

Chengcheng p.o.v

I stare at Wenjun "Hey Zhengting I think we need to get extra medicine for Wenjun".

°Slowly close your eyes so I can keep you°

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