☆Chapter Twelve☆

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Marshmallow Cafe

Marshmallow Cafe a cafe and bakery owned by Kim Minseok aka Xiumin.

Though Marshmallow Cafe wasn't a huge or famous cafe but recently they have been ranked as the best cafe with the best food, best drinks, best interior , best price and of course best service.

The workers there are all sweet and kind and most of them are good looking , that is probably how they attract a lot of customers. Even though it worried Xiumin because he wanted his customers to enjoy the food and drinks not his employees but seeing how 80% of the reviews were praising their food and service it eased him.

Most of Marshmallow Cafe 's workers are Balance students since the owner seemed to be close with the principal. Apart from Marshmallow Cafe there were also many other jobs that Balance students can easily get into because of their principal Zhang Yixing .

It is currently 2:50pm on a Saturday afternoon it has been three weeks since Zhou Yanchen and Zhu Zhengting started working here, with the help of Lin Chaoze and Zheng Ruibin they easily adapted to this new working system on their first two days. It has been almost two weeks since they were working.

Yanchen was at the counter taking orders, Chaoze is brewing cocoa beans while Zhengting was serving food for the customers.

Zheng Ruibin places three egg tarts and glass of chocolate milk tea onto the tray that had it's order n.o and receipt taped on. As he predicted Zhengting comes to collect the tray.

Zhengting gives Ruibin a small grin before carrying the tray. He finds the customer a girl with crow black braided hair she wore a pastel pink denim jacket the long sleeves covering her hand seeming to hide something that looked like a tattoo. Underneath her pink jackets a white singlet that cropped around her chest, black high waist denim shorts and white socks that hugged her skinny tanned legs.

She had her head hung down focused  on her phone both hands texting. She didn't notice Zhengting until he placed down her plate of egg tarts and a milk tea that made a clatter sound. She looks up and gently smiles at Zhengting. Zhengting responds with a smile too and heads back to the back of the counter for a shift break.


Zhou Yanchen p.o.v


Usually I wouldn't bother remembering who my customers are but this one caught my attention. It was a boy who looked about my age or younger. He had soft brown hair tucked underneath his black snap back, because of the counter I could only see his top half of his body he wore a denim jacket and hoodie over his white plain sweat shirt.

You can see stars sparkling in his round doe eyes as he speaks
"Hi I would like an iced americano".
I nodded and gestured him to swipe his card that he was holding in his hand. He waited by the counter while I went to make his iced beverage.

"Enjoy your day!" I handed him his drink, My eyes stay glued to him until he exited the door and entered a nice silver car.
Woah he's already driving? How old is he?

"Yanchen-ge?" A voice called out, I look in front of me "Xiao Gui?!" I said surprised but also happy.

"Oh good you work here" His shoulders slump in relief,
I giggled "Why?" I asked. Xiao Gui said that his friend wants him to meet up here but he doesn't know what to order since he doesn't drink coffee because it's bitter. I suggested a few drinks that would suit his taste in the end I got him juice and strawberry cheesecake which I figured out was the same one Zeren gave us.

Because Zhengting was on break (and because I volunteered) so I helped him carry his tray to where a girl wearing a pink denim jacket was sitting. Xiao Gui introduced us to each other.
"Ge this is my friend from primary, Vava! And Vava he's my dorm mate Zhou Yanchen" I smile at her while placing down the cake. We talked for only a few seconds since I still had to get back to work.


Why do I keep bumping into people familiar faces today? Is it because a lot of students from our school love to eat here? Just before Zeren came to buy the same cheesecake, his face was still red I wonder if he take his medicines daily. Now Xingjie is here, well actually he knows I work here probably just wanted to check on me he also brought along some people from school Cai Xukun, Bu Fan , Qin Fen and Luo Zheng, they have a work shift at night so they came here to eat.

All together they ordered 2 Cafe lattes , 2 chocolate bubble tea, a raspberry milkshake, two muffins, two chicken salad sandwiches and five caramel slices.

They were fighting over who was going to pay because none wanted to.
I gave out a random suggestion that the oldest should pay in which the tallest guy Bu Fan paid for the meal.

It was time for my shift break so I went to the break room provided for workers to rest in. The room was small and cozy it had two mini sofa chairs and a long couch big enough to fit three people. Zhengting was lying down on the couch, it was so quiet I could hear the music playing in his ear buds.

I patted his shoulder "Ge ,Zhengting ge! Your shift break is over" I whispered to him. He pouts and groans, I think he got too comfy to get up. "Hurry Ruibin needs a bit of help" After shooing him I skipped to the couch and lay down stretching my limbs and reached out to plug in my phone charger to the wall.

My phone was on 9% , I picked out a random magazine from the coffee table.

I flipped through the first page it read " 'That Good Good' New clothing collection coming out next month!" Underneath the headline was  some pictures of jackets, shirts, and coats that all had brown and pastel green like patterns and colours .I skimmed through the notes "...the theme for this new collection is called 'Nature's awake' this collection involves patterns and materials that will portray an idea of different animals, trees, flowers etc..." next to the text box was a picture of a young man he had light brown wavy hair that was parted in the middle, there were gold spirally patterns flowing down on the front of his blazer each on his left and right.
He had soft facial features that I almost mistook him for a girl!

Hmm... why does he look so familiar? I continued reading "CEO of 'Good Good' design brand Luhan..." I've seen him in other media too but... it feels like I met him...

*Clink tink Crash!*

I flinched at the sudden loud noise, what's going on? I stood up and walked closer to the door opening it.

I popped my head out before my whole body merges away from the small room, taking a few steps closer to the front counter "Chaoze what's going on?"

°Just let time return to that initial moment°

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