Ways To Get Inspiration

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Another question that I usually get is: "Where do you get your inspiration from? Are you just naturally that creative?"

The answer is yes, I am naturally a creative person, but I'm also very smart about the things I surround myself with when I feel the need for inspiration or a new thought. For example, if I'm wanting to write a comedic story, but I'm not having a comedic day, then I might watch a funny television show like Maude or Golden Girls (honestly, I'm a teenage girl, but I have the television taste of an old hag).

Fanfic Inspiration- If you're writing a fanction or a story based on another type of story or movie, then try going back to that particular fandom or movie. If you're writing a Twilight story but lose your spark for it, then go watch Twilight again! It's simple.

Music- Music is just...it fixes almost everything. It can be very inspiring and and if you're listening to a song that sticks with you, then it can stay in your mind all day. You could even just read lyrics if you were looking for a way to get inspired. Lyrics are usually very poetic sometimes, depending on the type of genre you listen to. "And so it goes, this soldier knows, a battle with the heart is not easily won, but it can be won." Ingrid Michaelson in Soldier.

Movies- Movies are a great way for inspiration if you're writing an original idea or story, then just choose a movie with a similar genre to the one you plan on writing and watch it a few times.

Reading-Read other people's work! It'sa great way to see what ideas are out there and might even help you come up with your own.

Role Playing- As I've said, role playing is a great way to improve your writing, but it can also inspire you just by interacting as your character with other characters. You could even base a story off of a scenario that happened in your character's plot development.

Take A Walk- Taking a nice walk might help clear your head and get some new scenery in your mind for your story.

Talking To Someone- Talking to someone is also a great way to get inspiration. Sometimes if you have a relative or friend that you enjoy talking to or always has great stories or advice, ask them to tell you a story about their life and see if it inspires you. Who knows? You might want to add that into your own story.

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