Author's note

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Thank you very much for supporting my very first Horror book! Actually, this is my first time making a Horror book and I'm sorry for the major cliffhanger because every horror movies that I've watched and horror novels that I've read always have a major cliffhanger. And also, the unexpected plot twist! I'm sorry killing your biases //is crying bc I killed my top faves//

ANYWAYS, I've always been a Vocaloid fan since 2012 (lol flashback of me being a total weeb ew gross). I fell in love with Vocaloid songs because of the fucked up lyrics and the reversed lyrics of the songs. There are sexual stuff but SETTING THAT ASIDE, I was inspired from the Vocaloid song entitled "Hide and Seek" and let's just say that this is the main theme of the book lol here's the song!

How adorable, isn't? //bricked. I should stop showing my sadistic side LOLOL I'm going to make another BangTwice Horror series again next time! Also, there might be a book 2 of this story.

Thank you for your support! ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

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