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Knock Knock

Yoongi clamped his hands over his ears as the sound of knuckles on wood pierced his ears again, standing up again as looked around to see another hallway— he stumbled forward, his speed noticeably slower than before. They had been at this for hours now- Or what felt like hours for him- he wasn't sure.

"Momo, Please!!! Don't let that monster control you!!!"

Yoongi pleaded, voice breaking as Momo bashed open the locked door to pieces with... something- he wasn't sure and it really wasn't the time to be curious about such things. If he turned around, there was no telling what would happen. He really didn't want to risk it. He gritted his teeth, forcing his body to run a little more, nearly breaking his neck as he almost collapsed midstep on the stairs.


The possessed girl merely laughed as Yoongi called out again, images swimming before him as his vision became dark around the edges from overexertion. He wasn't entirely sure if that door he just passed was real or not— he hoped it was the former; he really didn't need to deal with hallucinations right now.

"i WoN'T lEt yOu gEt aWaY tHiS tImE~"

"Stay away from me!!!"

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