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Mama's POV

Afeerah's school is almost closing and I need to go and pick her up. I quickly round up my cooking and I was set to pick  Afeerah.

I was closing the door of the house when I met a woman.  Assalama alaikum "she said". I answered wa'alaykum saalam. I am a new tenant here I just came yesterday "she said".

Jiya kune kuka tare (you are the new tenant that was shifting in here yesterday). Yes "she said"

Who are you leaving with I asked. My husband, my son and daughter. You fah (what about you) "she said". Me too am also leaving with my husband and my son and daughter.

I checked my phone and saw a miss call it was Afeerah. I checked my time and I said dammit am late and she asked me what happened. I have to go and pick her up who she said. My daughter I answered.

I gotta go else she will be mad at me. Me I have.... .  I didn't even let her complete her statement.  I told her bye and went downstairs then to the car. I entered then I zoomed off to Afeerah's school. 

I saw Afeerah outside waiting. She saw the car and was approaching towards it. I said Afeerah nayi latti koh Dan Allah kiyi hakuri (am late sorry please). 

"she said" mama school closed 4:00pm and it now you are coming it 5:30 now.

Sorry Afeerah mana (can't explain in english sorry). Okay I have forgiven you. Driving down to the house. We reached and Afeerah got down and collected the house keys and went up stairs. She had her bath and wore her crazy pajama. And went to set the dining table. I came inside the house and sat at the dining.

Afeerah served my food and hers. And we started eating. I was watching her she was playing with her fork and the spaghetti on the plate.

I called her name but her mind was still not with me. I tapped her shoulder then "she said" yes mama were you saying something. Yes how was ur day?  Did you make friends who?  And tell me their me their name.

She just looked at me and smiled "she said to me" am done with dinner can I also pick up your plate if you're done. Yes " I answered". 

Watching her packing the plate to wash because today was her turn to wash and mine was to cook. She finished washing the dishes and tied up the kitchen. And pecked me and "she said" good night mama. Night baby sweet dreams for my baby Afeerah.

Hope you loved this chapter. I hope so

Question: how many people were mentioned in this chapter.

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