Acceptance- this is how the world works

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I had just woken up. Vernal has done the rest of the watch I guess... what would I do without her? There's a commotion outside, something big was happening around the camp. Something that I didn't think would be good, I walked out of my tent and stood next to Vernal

"What's going on?"

Vernal: "sweetie! You ok?"

"I'll be fine. What's going on?"

Vernal: "this girl just beat the hell out of Braid's group. She wants an audience with Raven."

"She looks like mother"

Vernal: "oh yeah... I mean kinda"

"well i'd better go be the muscles"

Vernal: "go get 'em tiger." She said slapping my ass as I walked passed her. I turn back and smirk as I place my helmet on


???: "because we're family."

Raven: "Family, only coming round when they need something."

"Ain't that the truth. Sorry I'm late to the party."

Raven: "Y/N, this is Yang. My daughter"

Yang: "oh I am? You've got a strange way of showing your parenting skill."

"You wanna watch your mouth around my mother, blondie?"

Yang: "your... mom?"

"That's what I said. Now please, give me a reason to pull the trigger."
Not that I ever could of course, I'm not the killing type... much to Ravens chagrin.

Yang: "so I've got a brother too?"

"Adopted. Nice to finally meet you."

Yang: "wish I could say the same."

"Right... Why are you here?"

Raven: "she wants to rejoin her friends and help fight With Ozpin."

"Thy don't know what he is do they?"

Yang: "say what you want, nothings stopping me from seeing Ruby."

"And on that note I've lost interest. I'm going to go check on our guest. You got this mom?"

Raven: "I'll call you if you're needed."
I'm walking towards Weiss' cage and suddenly the tent beside me is ripped down by one of the lads being thrown into it! I turn back to see Yang had punched him from where she was standing... then she notices the cage

Weiss: "Yang?"

"Alright that's it!"
I unsheathe my sword and point it towards the brawler, then point sunshot at Weiss
"Anyone else makes another move and you're done!"
I can see yang raising her gauntlets
"Lower the guns blondie! Or I make you lose something more important than an arm."

Weiss: "Cobalt..."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! *sigh* Guards, unlock the cage"

Bandit: "what? Why?"

"Because she's learnt the Schnees semblance of the glyph knight, and she will use it to smash though those bars if we don't. So, it'll be easier to just let her out."

Weiss: "how do you-"

"Because I have friends in high places who know how powerful you have become. Hence the gun pointed at you. Now no sudden movements while the boys let you out. Mother what should we do with our guests?"

Raven: "Vernal give the girl her weapon back"

"There we go, no one needs to- what?! No! Don't give the girl her weapon back"

Raven: "you two. In my tent now."

"You are really going to do this?"

Raven: "they need to know the truth"
I didn't really want to be around Weiss, didn't sound like my kind of thing considering I want to crush her throat under my boot! So I was just training with my sword, practice swings on dummy's. I must have been doing it for a while when... someone appeared behind me, along with 3 others

"Unless you have a death wish I'd suggest you go talk with my mother. I'm not in the talking mood."

???: "oh I know. I know you're rather upset with Weiss still aren't you? I suppose I would be too if I had been tortured by her. But you want revenge don't you? You want to watch her suffer. We can offer that."

I turn around to see them
"I know who you are. I'm well connected as well. So I'll tell you again. Go talk to my mother. Or I will run you through, Cinder."

Cinder: "we already have, your wife is the spring maiden, and your mother said you are powerful. Perhaps powerful enough to be useful."

Mother said that? But she knows she's pregnant, she better know what she's doing!

"And what makes you think I'd ever join up with Salem?"

Cinder: "join us and I will ensure that the Schnee family is left for you to destroy."

"As much as that sounds like fun. I'll pass. Perhaps my mother will want to join you. You may even want my wife to play along with this charad that is your world takeover. But I'm needed here in their absence."

Cinder: "very well... enjoy your training" she says smirking and turning away as her group follows. I grab Cinder by the shoulder as they begin to walk away "you're either foolish or brave to touch me"

"You get one warning. If you EVER hurt my Vernal, or double cross my mother. You will die. I don't care how powerful you are. But I will burn you."

Cinder: "noted"

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