The tears were still coming but the shouting had ceased. Now knees were on hard wooden floor, hands pressed together in a symbol of prayer. Clothes were scattered carelessly all over the shared bedroom. The door had been left flung open. The only lighting, streaming in from the half open curtains.
'Please, bring him back. Please.'
Tears met at the point of her chin, pooling on the floor.
'Please, give him back to me.'
Her forearms were on the floor now, slipping slightly in the tears, hands still in prayer.
'Take me. Take me and bring him back. Please, just... I-I just need him alive and well. Please.'
Her head was bent over, the quiet words muttered franticly. Her tears still steadily flowing.
'I'll do anything. Anything. Please.'
Forearms came off the floor hot, sweaty and sticky from the summer heat, yet wet with tears. Her face looked to the sky and pleaded. Pleaded with God or whatever divine power that could possibly hear or listen.
The 5 Stages of Grief
RandomA short story I had to write for English but really liked so I did some further editing and so here it is lol. Could be triggering, but not that intense. Enjoy xxx