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 "Well lady let's get out of here."

  "I don't think you will want to travel with me, the other survivors who came threw her sure didn't."

 'Well, what ever c'mon lady."

 "I have a name."

 "Are you going to tell me, or are we just ging to sit here all damn day."

 "Allyssa, my name is Allyssa, and i'm not going with you guys.. i'm the one that created this damn virus, i deserve to die.. i've been waiting for some kind of zombie to kill me... but so far no luck, they treat me different.. i guess they see me as there mother, disgusting. If i had just kept that safe locked, none of this will be happening. So your just going to leave me like everybody else right? Good, go away." Allyssa said crying.

 "That was the past," Bill said.

 'What?" Allyssa asked.

 "You didn't do it on purpose right? So, that's the past and this is the present, and in the present w should all help each other survive the zombie apocalypse, so come on and grab a gun, you'll be very helpful,"Bill continued.

 Allyssa smiled and stood up,"I'm not very good with a gun, but i've got the medicine to cure the whole world of this virus, i just need a little help.... by the way.. sorry for not mentioning that earlier, it's just the last survivors didn't believe me, and thought i was crazy, heehee." Allyssa walked in front of everyone,"I know where the nearest safe room is, let's go."

 Francis twisted his finger beside his head, saying that he thinks she's crazy, Zoey slapped his hand.



 "Zoey! I need a medkit!" Louis yelled.

 "Ok, 1 sec, cover me!" Zoey said, Bill stood behind Zoey watching her back while she healed Louis

 "Wait a second... i know these sounds, Hunter!" Allyssa yelled.

 Just as she yelled it, a Hunter pounced on top of Bill, but there was something wrong... something different about this Hunter.

 "A Hunters got Bill! Shoot it!" Francis yelled, and pulled out his gun.

Louis was about to shoot and so was Francis when Allyssa ran up and blocked them so they couldn't shoot the Hunter," WAIT! DON'T SHOOT!" She yelled.

 "What?! The Hunter's freakin killing Bill!" Francis yelled while trying to run around Allyssa.

"STOP! Take a good look at WHERE the Hunter is attacking him!" Allyssa yelled again.

 Francis growled, but didn't put his gun down, he walked slowly over to Bill, who had stopped struggling, the Hunter was not ripping him to shreds.. he was attacking Bill's steel belt, making sparks fly.

 "So? Doesn't mean anything, just that it's a stupid Hunter," Francis answered.

 "No, look he has kindness in his eyes!" Allyssa yelled as she walked up to the Hunter.

 "Oh great, she's gone crazy," Francis muttered.

 "Um, Allyssa? Are you ok?" Zoey asked.

 "Yes, of course," Allyssa started talking softly to the Hunter," It's ok ,c'mon it's alright. Now just stand up, slowly and let the poor Bill go."

 The Hunter did as she said, slowly, but still did it. The other survivors watched in amazement, Bill scooted away.

 "Now, don't worry everything is ok," Allyssa placed her hand on the hunter's cold cheek a twinkle of light flashed in his eyes," it's ok honey, come here," she started to hug the hunter.

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