The Fandom Life.
The Fandom life is not for many of the faint of heart
It is time spent on merch and art.
Sometimes the people are not sane
But there are many that act the same.
There are the diehards that have been there from the start
Some are just fall apart
Mainly because the season ended
If you ask the Sherlockians they won't get offended.
The biggest one out there is Superwholock
Don't get me started because it will be a long talk.
Sometimes it will take your hand and say "Run"
But the life is very fun.
It could be on sports or shows
But there is never a close.
There are more being made every day
If you find one well go on your way.
Some are popular and some are not
But give all what you got.
This may seem long I know is is true
It might seem random and out of the blue
But if you ever find yourself bored at any time
Just look your favorite fandom up online any time
Day or night.
Sometimes you will have to put up a fight.
Just think for a moment on what you like to do
Because the fandom life might just be for you.