Chapter 2 The first date and baby maybe?

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Jack Frost: I'm going to ask her out today! I'm going to ask out Elsa.

~After high school Jack found Elsa walking and he offered to walk her home~

Jack: Hey Elsa can I walk you home?

Elsa: Sure ~Blushes a little~

Jack: Well I really wanted to ask you something?

Elsa: Ya sure what?

Jack: Well I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go out with me...?

Elsa: ~stares in Jacks eye's for a minute~ Um ya I would love to!

Jack: Great, um at the Valley at 6 PM sharp. :D

~Its 5 PM, Elsa is wearing a blue dress with snow flakes and white flats~

Jack: Wow you look... amazing!

Elsa: Thxs. ;)

~The night goes on and its about 6:30/7:00 now~

Jack: ~Leads in to a kiss~

Elsa: ~ Allows Jack to kiss me~


Jack and Elsa: ~Leads in to making out~

Jack: I love you with all my heart and... and I wanna take it further...?

Elsa: um I guess so.. do you have a condom?

Jack: no

~They "have it"~ & ~two weeks pass by~

Elsa: ~takes a pregnancy test, looks at result~ ow my god....

What will happen? is she pregnant? is she not pregnant? well you can found out in the next part!

Author notes: Hi guys I'm sorry if I'm doing a bad job but I'm trying my best tho, an  if you do like this, thank you very much doe! :)

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