His Room Of Lies ~Moxiety~

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Heya! This is Chara and this is my first oneshot. I've worked on a fanfiction but never made a oneshot.

~Virgil's POV~

Patton's been in his room all day... he hasn't even left to go make cookies for us.... something is wrong, and I need to find out what. I walk up to Patton's door and knock, quietly sighing.

"Hey Patton, Are you alright?"

"Oh! Yeah.....I'm fine kiddo! You don't need to be worried about me."

"You sound like you've been crying. Don't lie to me." This isn't good. He's lying.....should I get the others?

"Kiddo. I. am. fine."

He stops talking to me after that.... I'm worried about him... What should I do?.....I'm going to tell Logan.....oh my lord. He's watching sherlock... Again.

"Hey Logan!" I yell.

The controller Logan was holding falls to the ground.


"Sorry, geeklord"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT" Logan clears his throat. "What do you need?"

"Patton lied to me."

"You don't think...He's...back do you?"

"....I don't sense him....it could be the real Patton" I sigh....louder than I intended.

"Why are you so worried for Patton? Is there something more than just worry there?" I freeze up at Logan's words.


"Just as I suspected" I get scared.

"Does this mean Roman has figured it out?" I say staring at a wall blushing.

"I do not believe so." I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I can only imagine the nicknames..." I shudder. "Speaking of Romano I'm going to tell him about this." I run off to Roman's room whe....Holy Fuck. I start recording him secretly.

"AND STEP INTO MY CANDY STORE~" Roman puts his hands on his hips proud of himself and I stop recording and hide my phone.

"Nice dancing Princey! You deserve a cookie" Roman jumps and shrieks.


"Not long, Heather. But there is a serious issue going on."

"What happened?" Roman says while changing into his actual clothes.

".....Roman, Patton lied to me." His eyes widen in disbelief.

"PATTON? HA!" I cough.

"A-Are you joking?" I roll my eyes while I try to stop myself from crying by looking away.

"NO I'M NOT!" I quickly turn away, running to my room, crying the whole way. Once I got to my room I locked the door but shortly after I locked the door I heard slight knocking.

"Kiddo? Are you alright?" I freeze. That's Patton's voice.

"....uhh yeah I guess?" I sigh.

"Kiddo....I'm sorry for lying to you" In the background I hear Logan yell "SHOW VIRGIL WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR ARMS!" I freeze up.

"Patton? Did you cut yourself?" I hear Patton start to cry.

"I-I'm sorry" I sigh, open the door, pull Patton in, lock the door, then hug Patton.

"It's fine, Patton" I was still crying. But we were crying together in each other's embrace and for once in my life, I felt......complete.

~The end~ 

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