Chapter Thirty One: The Meeting

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Haymitch has us in another room, both of our families are on their way here. There is a camera in the room they will be in with a camera, and Haymitch said to watch his fingers. He will hold out three on the table, nonchalantly, and that's when we are supposed to go in the next room.
"You think this will work?" I ask Peeta, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"If not, I'm not staying away from you. We will run off together." He says.
"We have nowhere to go, we have no money, and we have no plan."
"This may sound cheesy, but we have each other so we'll be fine." He says and leans down to kiss me, his hand resting at my waist.
"You're right though." I sigh, thinking of Prim walking into that room in only minutes, to get the worse news of her life when it's not true. I'm not sure if I can look at her face when they tell her I'll be fighting to the death. Peeta and I stand in front of the TV, watching the room Haymitch sits in in playing on his phone waiting. Peeta suddenly gets a text message, and it's from the mayor.
'Everything will work out, don't worry about it. If not, I can help you two.'
After how rude I was to him, and he would still help us out. I guess maybe this whole town is just tired of the fighting between our families, and find it as pointless as we did. And I don't think Haymitch likes have his town under authority because it looks bad, and childish. Peeta texts back a longer thank you than needed, and we wait in silence until our families enter. My family comes in first, and they take a seat on the left side of the table. Closest to Haymitch is my father, looking worn out. My mother next, looking angry and plain annoyed. Lastly Prim, wearing a worried look on her face. If she didn't hear my voice mail, than she has no idea where I am. If she did, she must think something has happened since the rest of the church group returned. After a few minutes, Peeta's family walks in.
"What are they doing here?" Peeta's mom spits out. One of the maids closes the door and locks it, guarding it from anyone getting out.
"You've all been called into a meeting, please have a seat." Haymitch says.
"No, we are leaving." My fathers says and they all stand up.
"You aren't." Haymitch says and another maid blocks the door.
"This is kidnapping!" Mr. Mellark says.
"It won't seem like that when you find out why you are here." Haymitch says.
"Sit down, and I will explain everything." He sighs, trying to put on a tired and worried face, but making his voice seem like he's trying to stay calm. My family sits back down, and Peeta's family moves to the other side of the table.
"This is it." I say to Peeta, taking his hand.
"Now, I know your families aren't very, fond, of each other, but this effects both of you children, just be normal for a few minutes while I explain." Everyone looks at him intensely, waiting to see what he is going to say.
"You all know the country Panem, and that they've been accused of making children to fight to the death."
"Yes, but I looked further into it, it's not real." Peeta's mom says.
"Oh it's real, but our government and every other government has covered it up. In fact, every country in trade with Panem, or allies with them have left them to fight for themselves. No one has much contact to them anymore. But a lot of people make the mistake of going there to see for themselves the event the host called 'The Hunger Games.' The way it works, there are twelve districts set up around the Capitol, and a boy and girl from each district to fight to the death in an arena. All of it on live TV. Here, watch this video." We found a video online of a bunch of kids fighting. With a few editorial tricks, and a few scenes added from movies, we were able to put together a short video that looks like someone could have been killed for video taping it and posting it online. I watch as our families watch, their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open. The video ends, and they all still look in shock.
"That's what is happening in Panem." Haymitch says.
"Why are you telling us? Shouldn't you be telling he president or something?" Peeta's brother asks.
"Because he can't do anything about it, he sign an alliance with other countries agreeing no one would bother with Panem anymore. Not that he would anyways." Haymitch says disgusted.
"So why are you telling us this?" Prim asks.
"Your kids, Peeta and Katniss, went on a missions trip to Jamaica, and it was a very last second thing. When they left, they were separated from the group. The boarded the wrong plane, and are now being held in Panem, waiting for the Hunger Games which begin in a week. As soon as they got off the plane, Peacekeepers as they call them over there, took them into custody and they are now going to be contestants in the Games. It's a fight to the death on live TV, one person is crowned victor." Haymitch says and everyone's eyes almost pop out of their heads. Prim starts crying, and she is an ugly crier when she thinks I'm in danger. Mr. Mellark, who ended up sitting closer to her than anyone, pats her shoulder and tries to get her to calm down and listen.
"Peet look!" I say pointing to the screen where his dad is calming Prim.
"Well that's a good sign." He says squeezing my hand. Back at the meeting, more tears are being shed. My father probably being the worse.
"So what can we do?" Mrs. Mellark asks.
"To be honest, there's not much I know of. If we are lucky one of them will come back, but that's a long shot." Haymitch says.
"No, we have the number to the Vice President of the USA." My mother says. "Get Paylor on the phone."
"How do you have his number?" Mrs. Mellark asks.
"We went to schooltogether, and we always stayed in touch. We are going to get our kids out of there." My mom goes on, reaching for her phone.
"Even Peeta?" Mrs. Mellark asks nervously, tears in her eyes and worry that my parents will decline in her voice.
"Of course, we wouldn't let him die." My dad says, reaching for his phone as well.
"Peeta! We did it!" I say hugging him.
"We did, but now we have to face them." He says and I see that he's right, Haymitch has three finger held out onto the table. "Come on." We rush out of the room and down the hallway. I really can't believe my parents agreed to get Peeta out alive! That's a huge step for them, and for our situation. We come to the meeting door, and before we walk in, I take Peeta's hand. He kisses me lightly and quickly, and reaches for the door handle. It's locked. We give the smallest knock, telling the maids it's time to let us in, and the door swings open, hitting the wall. Everyone's head snaps in our direction, my parents phones end their calls, and the next thing I know I'm almost tackled by Prim. I'm forced to remove Peeta's hand from mine as my parents wrap themselves around me as well. Everyone is crying, but I just hold on tightly to Prim. I try to look passed them to Peeta, and I see his brother have done what Prim has done, his parents on their way to him. I know for only this moment there will be peace, but soon it will all end and we will have to face them. For now I try to enjoy holding Prim, the only person I truly missed the most during this entire thing. Our minute of calmness are taken away, and I find myself sitting next to Peeta in front of our parents. Our siblings, Haymitch, and the maids have left, and now we have to deal with them.
"What were you thinking? You scared us half to death!" My mother says.
"That was the point."
"You wanted to give us a heart attack?" Mr. Mellark says.
"We wanted you to stop acting like kids." Peeta says.
"We have reason for not liking each other, and we expect you two to act the same way." My dad says. I can't resist it anymore, I lean over and give Peeta a short kiss. You can literally hear the gasps go throughout the 4 parents in front of us as I do.
"You can expect us to act the same and be disappointed, or you can accept the fact that we won't and learn to live with it." I say, looking at the sadness and anger in my parents eyes.
"We can live by ourselves, find a way to earn money and never see you again. Or, we could stay here with you and live our lives as friends. All of us." Peeta says.
"But-" My mother starts but I cut in.
"Look, when you thought we were in danger, the feud didn't matter to you anymore. All that mattered was our safety, and dad, you said you wouldn't let Peeta die." I say and I catch them all up short. Mrs. Mellark is the first one to speak after that.
"They are right, it didn't matter. I think maybe it's time to end this once and for all."
"She's right, it's gone on long enough. And I want my little girl home where I know she is safe instead of gone by herself because we were to selfish." My mother says and for the first time in a long time, I smile at her. All that is left is our dads. This could be a little harder because our moms just married into this family curse, they were born to hate each other. After a few minutes of silence, Mr. Mellark reaches out his hand to my father, who stares at it for a moment. My dad eventually extends his hand and they shake, agreeing that after 7 generations this rivalry it's come to an end. I smile with tears in my eyes, and I wrap my arms around Peeta; he does the same.
"It's over, we don't have to sneak around anymore." I say into his shirt, and he kisses the top of my head.
"I like this ending of Romeo and Juliet better." He says.
Another update! YAY ME! :D
Celebrations! *Insert picture.* I WIN LAUREN!!!! ;)
Oh my gosh! This book is almost over! I'm not sure about a sequel, what do you all think????? :)

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