Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader

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Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader

"Ok I believe I got everything you might need. What do you want more?" Bobby said turning to look down at your little child form.

You paused for a moment thinking what you might need for the time you would be living at Bobby’s place “I got your colors as well as your book with pages for drawing. I also took your blanket and little pillow along with your teddy bear and little jacket, in case you get cold. You think you’re ok with those?” he asked you and you nodded your small head; as those were all the things you needed.

"Alright then, time to go kiddo. Say goodbye to your old place" he said and you turned your head to look at the place you had spent all your life and would now leave it forever.

A few tears rolled down your cheeks and quickly you wiped them with your small hands. You turned to look at Bobby and nodded your head once again, signaling that you were ready to leave. He gave you a small, yet sad, smile and picked you up. You rested your small head on his shoulder and took a last glance at your house as he made his way towards the door.

And that was the last time you saw your house, the house you had lived your whole life; as Bobby put you in his car and made his way towards the place you would be living from now on. His place.

The drive to Bobby’s house was not that long, only ten minutes away. And you knew that route very well. You had been at his house many times just as he had been at yours. Since the moment your parents had died you were all alone and had no-one, no family. That was of course till Bobby found you and decided to take care of you, and it was times like this that he would take you at his place so that you could stay for a while. Though this time was different, you were leaving your house forever and were not going back. After all it was the only way to get away from that freaking demon that was on your track.

"Agh great, just great!" you heard Bobby groan as you turned to look at the direction that Bobby was looking at. There stood three men at his doorstep. The one of them was really tall and had long brown hair and you could see, as you and Bobby made your way towards them, he had greenish-brown eyes. Next to him was a shorter man with short blonde hair and really green eyes. While last there was a slightly shorter man in a trench coat. He had dark, almost black, hair and really blue eyes.

"Now what do you igjits want here? Didn’t I tell you to call when you were to come next time?" Bobby asked slightly irritated, as you hided behind him; holding tightly onto his jeans.

"Yeah well sorry but we were nearby and just decided to come here instead of going at a motel, so sorry we forgot to what you said months ago!” the short, blonde, one said raising his hands in the air.

"Balls" Bobby muttered as he opened the door and all of you entered the house and Bobby dropped the bag with your things at the couch.

"Yeah well but I think you forgot to explain something…" he said making Bobby turn to look at him "Who is this?!" he said pointing at you and making you tug onto Bobby’s jeans even more; scaring you as he raised his voice.

"Dean!" Bobby growled at the man whose now you knew the name was Dean "Watch your tone" he said through gritted teeth.

"Whatever" Dean muttered and as the tall man saw Bobby get more angry, got in the middle.

"Bobby" he said in a more calm and soothe voice "Who is the little girl?" he asked.

Bobby let out a sigh and spoke “Her name is (y/n), I’m taking care of her and she’ll be staying here” he said and put a hand on your small back; pushing to walk in front so that they could look at you better.

Baby Girl - Supernatural x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now