Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader (Part 2)

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Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader (Part 2)

"(Y/N)?!" both Winchester brothers said wide-eyed and turned to look at you.

"What do you mean by ‘(y/n)’ ?" Dean asked turning to look at Castiel.

Cas frowned and tilted his head “I thought you knew…” he said narrowing his eyes.

"Know what Cas? Explain please" Sam said frowning.

"Yes! Explain Cas, cause I do think we need one seeing as just yesterday there used to be a little girl while now there, at her place, is standing a really damn hot chick! And not only that, but you also got to get into her pants before me!" Dean said in an all-too-dramatic voice while Sam just shot him a bitch-face.

"I don’t understand" you said from behind the boys and stepped to were Castiel was "I wasn’t wearing any pants last night… or anything for that matter…" you said making both brothers’ eyes widen.

"And now, apart from this shirt I-" you started again but Dean cut you off.

"No! Don’t keep going cause I’m seriously having a hard time not doing something else right now or picturing anything for that matter!" he said with his hands in front of you; to stop you from going on.

"Really Dean?" Sam shot him yet again another bitch-face.

"What?!" he turned to look at his brother; raising his eyebrows "Don’t tell me you didn’t think of it too!"

"Think of what?" you asked looking at them with a tilted head.

"Nothing!" both brothers said; faces flushed and eyes almost wide.

You opened your mouth to ask again but then a small bell was heard signaling that the pie was ready.

"The pie!" you suddenly said and walked between the brothers to get to the oven.

"Is she doing that on purpose!?" Dean almost shouted at Castiel that looked at him frowning and then at you…

… that were bending to get the pie out of the oven.

"Doing what?" Castiel asked frowning.

Dean only sighed and Sam decided to speak this time “Nothing Cas, never mind and uhm, (y/n)?” he asked turning to you and you nodded; placing the pie on the counter “Please… just please don’t move a lot, just “he took in a deep breath “Stay at one place so that the shirt won’t show a lot” he said almost struggling to keep his eyes on your face and not look anywhere else.

"Oh ok" you said and you all sat at the kitchen’s table to eat the breakfast you had made.

"And Cas" Dean said and Castiel turned to look at him "Will ya wear a damn shirt?!" he said.

"But I don’t have-" Castiel started but you cut him off "Oh, here. It belongs to you, I can give it back." you said and started unbuttoning.

"NO!" Dean and Sam said to you wide-eyed.

"But it belongs to-" you started but Dean cut you off.

"Just don’t, ok?!" he said and got up "I’m going to get ya one of Sam’s, Cas, ok." and made his way upstairs.

Once he got downstairs and gave Cas the shirt to wear, Bobby came behind him and sat at the table and started eating just as Cas and you did.

Sam and Dean just stood there waiting for an explanation.

No scratch that.

Sam just stood there waiting for an explanation while Dean had started eating, or better, devouring his and Sam’s food.

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