Baby Girl - Supernatural x Reader (Part 6)

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You had to ask…

"Are you going to kiss?"

And both Dean and Sam had just barely started eating that they started choking.

Sam, who regained his breath first, spoke “What?” he asked not really believing what he heard you say.

"Aren’t you going to kiss? You made a deal, isn’t that how deals are sealed?" you tilted your head, a habit you got from Castiel.

"That’s how demons seal their deals, (y/n), only demons. We don’t have to…" Dean shuddered, trying to even say the word "…kiss to seal it. We can just shake hands like we did before and that’s it" he explained and you nodded.

"Oh, alright"

"I swear man, sometimes I think we’re talking to Cas, as if he’s inside of her" Dean mumbled under his breath, meaning for only Sam to hear, who did so and nodded…

…but so did you.

"No" you said simply and both brothers glanced at you for a mere second and then back at their breakfast "Castiel has not been inside of me inany sort of way…” you said and Dean and Sam looked at each other, wondering if they were thinking they same thing or…

…no, they were just dirty-minded. You were innocent, you could not mean that…

… could you?

They both gave you a glance and then looked back at each other, eyes narrowed, but then they shook their heads and shrugged any thought off.

Silence followed as you kept eating in peace, till you decided to speak of course.

"Did I give you a blowjob?" you asked Sam, and of course Sam choked on his food for the third time this morning.

"What?" he blinked a few times, wondering if he heard correctly. He looked at you then back at Dean who had taken a sudden interest in the newspaper that Sam had put aside a while before.

"In your dream, Dean said that it was nice one, right?" you asked and he nodded, having a suspicion where this was heading "So, did I give you a blowjob in your dream?" you asked, the same curious and innocent look on your face.

Innocent. Sam had begun to think that you were not that innocent anymore, that maybe you knew more than he believed you did, that… 

He glanced at Dean. 

Or probably not. Probably you were innocent and somebody else was the one responsible for all of this… A green-eyed somebody, that was a hunter, Sam called brother and had suddenly found an interest in reading the newspaper… upside-down.

"Dean" Sam said in a threatening voice and after a while Dean looked up at him, trying (and failing) to seem innocent.

"Yes, Sammy?" he said but Sam did not say anything, he merely gave his brother the look. The look that he had given him three weeks ago and the look that Dean had given him just this morning. Though Sam’s look was more accusing than Dean’s was before.

"Whaaaaaat? Do you really think so low of me?” he asked still trying (and failing, let’s not forget) to seem innocent.

Sam said nothing he just turned to look at you “(Y/n), where did you hear that from? Who said it to you?” he asked you and Dean’s eyes widened, knowing that you were certainly going to tell the truth.

You took in a breath, opening your mouth to speak “No (y/n) don’t-“

"Dean said it to me" you simply said before Dean had the chance to stop you.

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