Chapter 1: Meeting

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People are either in your life for one of two things, they are either a lesson or a blessing.


I arrived on set only ten minutes before the reveal of our new co-star. We have been kept in the dark on who it's going to be. Hopefully somebody nice. He is supposed to be playing Kara's lover in the show and personally, I don't want to kiss someone who is stuck up. I was looking over my script with Jeremy (Winn) when I was interrupted by a loudspeaker.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen! I welcome you today to the reveal of your new cast for Supergirl season 2! As you all know, a actor that shall not be named has agreed to take on the role of Mon-el, Supergirl's lover! And as you all know, Melissa has chosen to roll with it. So I will keep you waiting no longer... Meet Christopher Wood!"

After Greg (The Director) says that, I see a man walk out from behind stage and take the microphone from Greg.

"Hello everybody! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Christopher Wood but you can call me Chris. I am really into playing superhero roles and playing a romantic person on screen. So this was the perfect role for me! I just want to thank all the backstage crewmembers and Greg for helping me land this amazing opportunity. I look forward to playing with all of you on the show. Thank you!"

When Chris is done talking he hands the microphone over to a crewmember and he jumps off the stage. Literally. He goes to see Jeremy first, then Chy (Alex), then Mehcad (James, and so on until he gets to me.)


I walk to each and every actor and greet them with a smile and a pleasant 'nice to meet you'. I walk up to the actor in the back of the room with golden blonde hair and a white shirt with the House Of El symbol on it. She is beautiful. I try to greet her like I greeted everyone else.

"Hello, nice to meet you. You are?"

"Melissa. Melissa Jenner."

"Nice to meet you."

"You already said that." She starts to laugh as I gaze at her hand. SHe has a wedding ring. Dang. Well that can change, right? I'm not gonna tear up some marriage because I think the girl is pretty.


"You said nice to meet you twice." She smiles at me. Just enough to make me smile too.

"Oh sorry, I just get nervous around new co-workers and um-"

"Well, I'm here for you. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

"Thank you. It's a very big set."

"Well, we superheros need our space." We both laughed a little at that. She looked back down at her script and took in all the things she had to say. She looked at me one more time.

"I should get going. Mon-el isn't just going to play himself. See you around Melissa!"

"Okay, bye!"


When he said the studio was big, my immediate reaction was "Well, we superheros need our space!" What a stupid thing to say. When it came out of my mouth I regretted it largely. I guess he thought it was funny because he started laughing. His laugh was the cutest thing ever. His low voice mixed with a child's happiness. I loved it!

We played our first day on the set. Everything went according to plan. There were no kissing scenes today so that's good. I don't know how Blake is going to feel about all of this. I got into my car and started the engine. I turned on the radio to me and Blake's song. Photograph by Ed Sheeran. I start singing to it and by the time I know it, the song is over. My house is only about 15 minutes away from set. We are filming in Vancouver and surprisingly, there are not a lot of paparazzi here.

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