What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar? by Angela4

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What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar?

(At cullens house watchin tv)

Commerial: *sings* what would you do for a kondik bar

Em: edward what would you do for a kondix bar

Ed: Smash you with a hammer throw u off a cliff throw a bomb at you just like you did to my phone.

A: you would do that for a part of that single cell organism

Ed: oh so u mean his brain

A: yea pretty much

J: what's up

Em: jasper what would you do for a kondik bar

J: hmm the possibilites

Ed: he would sell you to spiders

J: no fair your gonna pay

Em: I feel the love

A: I'm bored

Em: what would you do for a kondix bar

A: hmmm I've had alot of time to think about this and I'm gonna say go on a shopping spree to buy something vilant and use it to get you to be quiet so I can watch the fashion show.

Em: everyone must love me the most cause everyone wants a kondik bar

A&ed&j: not at the moment *kinda grumpy*

B: hey what's up

Em: what would you do for a kondik bar

B: go away.

Em: I feel the love!

b: I bet you do

Em: esme what would you do for a kondik bar

E: go garden to get away from all of you


E: yes you do


C: what now emment

All: *mimices emment* what would you do for a kondix bar

C: make it possible for emment to leave me alone

em: *sings* you all MUST LOVE me more than anyone in this family

Ed: quess again

A: soo... Emment what would you do for a kondix bar

Em: hmm i'd

Quit a game of truth or dare

Murder edward

Murder bella

Murder nessie

B: what!!!!

Em: as I was saying

Murder alice

Murder jasper

R: I'm not in it ha

Em: let me finish

murder rose

Murder Esme

murder carslie

murder jacob hm that's not that hard oh well

Expose vampires

destroy the voltrie

Kiss jane

(9,999,999,999,999,999,999 things later)

Em: and last of all

And the hardest of all

Kill a magical elf while destroying the land of evil carrots

All: yea that last one is pretty hard

C: I'm back from the store

Em: what you'd get

C: you a kondik bar

Em: why?

C: #9,532,001 on your list was ask carslie to buy me one

Em:*laughs* oh yea


All rights go to Stephanie Meyer


Angela4 for writing this


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