Chapter 4 - Shark Of Legends

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"My heart is in the past, but my home is with the present."

Tanny Wang. That was her name, and she owned the "Helicoprion" alias well. She was a prime example of an undercover maniac in the best way, with her perfect blend of sarcasm and sweet talk giving way to a lust for revenge like no other. She could twist another's words without thinking and bring them away in private where the rip of a chainsaw would resonate along with the screams of her victims.

"Helicoprion" dressed fashionably, yet with her own touch added in. She would wear a pair of flared navy blue leggings over a simple blue blouse tucked in, with crimson smeared converse. Her curly dark hair would be pulled back with a charm and a shark necklace was tied around her neck. Her eyes, a warm hazelnut colour, could turn to steel if needed and struck fear into her enemies hearts when a certain bloody glint turned up in them. She carried around a dark teal switchblade and a sizable chainsaw was always situated near her hands for a quick kill.

Tanny had a bright mind with an even brighter smile that could turn deceiving very quickly. She was witty and a force to be reckoned with. She was protective and dependable towards her team. Tanny was the prime interrogator and torturer, her attitude toward others outside her gang soured.


Tanny seemed rather normal to outsiders who had no idea who The Voided Tigers or any other gang were, but she wasn't known as the merciless shark of Los Valburn for nothing. She often tried to shut her past away, but little snippets could be remembered.

She could remember that one day when she was 6, her parents and she were on a car ride to Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. It would have been the best day of her life, but little did she know, nothing good could last. They were happily listening to the radio, a soft chatter among them when something crashed into them.

A drunk driver had slammed his pickup truck right into Tanny's parents' car, crumpling the front. The other driver had been killed on impact, while her parents lasted a few minutes after. Tanny could remember the sheer amount of red that coated the front of the car distinctly, and the glassy eyes of the corpses that were once her parents a mere three minutes before.

She could only vaguely recall the haze that enveloped her as she was shipped off to her grandparents' house after the death certificates had been filed. A social worker had smiled at her sadly as she was nudged forward. Maybe she had been dealt a bad hand at fate, but her grandparents were anything but kind to her.

They blamed Tanny for her parents' deaths and constantly ignored her. The only time they would even look at her was to yell and snear with pained, pinched faces. She endured it for nearly 8 years, the eerie silence that painted the house bolstered as her grandparents passed away. She took the opportunity and left the house in search of the people that would know her the best.

She found them in Los Valburn. And she never looked back since.

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