Eliminations- Task 5

205 4 2

Today a really amazing tribute dies, her name is Saveria Hunbryll, from District 11. She wrote her death chapter and, well, she is dead now. So lets appreciate the fact that she gave her life so that another tribute survives.

Now here comes the reason why the scores are important. Everyone who passed 50 points is safe! For now, obviously.

And everyone who didn't pass 50 points is on voting.

So here are the tributes that are on the voting:




Saveria- who is not on the voting she's just dead ;(


Voting ends tomorrow. To make it quick :D

You will vote for 2 people (not including Saveria).

Remember! Eliminate on their writing, not on fear of them killing you. If that makes sense. If their writing is good, then it is not fair to eliminate them. But it depends on what you think.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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