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I woke up in beast mode. But for real I actually wake up the same as always. Hair messy. And sleepy. And than I remember something that had to come up in my head. You. Jeon Jungkook, I will not forgive you. You tried to raped my innocent.

I went downstairs. Taehyung smiles at me as I glared at him. "Why aren't you smiling?" He asked. You ignored him. Let's play the don't talk challenge with Kim Taehyung.

"how was your sleep sweetie?" Your mother asked.

"Okay." I shrugged and grabbed a bowl and cereal.

I sat across from Tae.

"For real, what's going on?" He asked again.

You ignored him.

You grabbed your phone and went on Instagram and took a picture of your food.

"Girls, always." Tae rolled his eyes. You gave him the *bitch what the fuck* face. "For real, talk to me." He wined.




You continue eating your breakfast.


You enter Tae's cars. "I won't be able to pick you up after school, ride home with your friend or I'll try to ask my friends to pick you up." He said. But, you ignored him.

"Y/n !" He yelled.

Still ignoring.

"If you talk to me I'll buy you Panda Express for lunch." He said and you smiled.

"Deal!" I said.

"Girls, always." You turn your head towards Taehyung. "What?" He raised up an eyebrows.

"Boys, always." You place you head back and sigh deeply.


When we enter the school I can hear all the girls screaming at my annoying brother. Why am I not popular.

And, than I heard some interesting  gossip about me that wasn't even true.

"She's so lucky she's Kim Taehyung sister."

No I'm not. Y'all should know how annoying he is to me. Only if you were his sister you'll understand.

"Ima try to be friend with her." You rolled your eyes.

Fake ass.

"Did y'all know that she's a slut."

Am I really.

"She basically bang all his brothers friend."

No, lies they are hot and I kinda did. Sigh.
If only I did but I didn't.

"Who wouldn't. Six hot dude. That would be some six sum. Tae does not include."


"One time I heard that she got pregnant by Jimin, So I went out and hoe around but turn out to be a rumor."

Wow. How did these rumor get around. But is she pregnant.

"I heard that y/n is a virgin."

I turn my head facing the girl who was gossiping. And I went up to her. "I'm the virgin Marry." You smirk and walked off.


Finally. I got to class's and Lee Min came up to me. "Hey!" She looked so hype which freaked you out.

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