Me Being Me

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I am bisexual. I am kind. I am caring. I am loving. I am destiny sister. I am kirua. I have known destiny since i was in the ninth grade. Last year she started looking out for me. Destiny is like a ninja,you never hear her coming. You will hear her only when she wants you to. When i was dating this one dude she called him her stepbrother. She made sure he continued to treat me right. I was mad at her for a min because he wanted to break up with me and she basically gave him the words to say. I thought that they were dating each other b4 we broke up. We didn't talk to each other for a good 2 months after that. When we did start back talking she said this 2 me:If we was dating why do you care y'all not together anymore he don't love you anymore. We are supposed to be sisters but when i was dating this dude everything that was wrong she told him. Till this day she tell him everything and when i ask her what's wrong she shakes her head and say nothing. She is closer to everyone that don't go to our school anymore. When she told me she was moving i was upset because i thought she was leaving too. She is bout to graduate and i will be alone. I have friends that i can talk to but i will miss looking at the end of the table and she won't be there to make me laugh or tell me her stories. I have one more year left but will have no one to help me get thru the last year. I will text her everyday but i don't like texting people back. She text me the the next day i see her at school she asks how come i don't text back. I will miss her a lot when she leave

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