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Sometimes i feel invisible when john is around his friends. He stops at the locker sometimes and when i get there he leaves. In the hallway when he is right next to me he ignores me. He could be talking to someone then get ready to leave.When i call his name he keeps on walking😢.  I love him but tired of feeling like I'm alone sometimes. The 28th of this month we will be together 6 months. I hate this feeling but its not going to go away as quickly as i want it to. I think he notice me when he want to. I wonder if he know how i feel when he ignores me. Yet he hates seeing me sad. Its over now. He loves me that's what matter at this point. Love is thicker than problems. We are going to prom together but afterwards i don't know if I'm going home or what. I really don't want to deal with my mom. Ik she will be asking me questions i don't want to answer. I hate how i am the age i am and she still wants to be all on my business. I have no privacy and i hate it. I plan on going to prom with him next year. If my mom let me i will. My mom is petty as ever. She know we dating so i hope she let me go with him.

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