"Hey Cas, how big are your wings?"
It was an innocent enough question, Dean didn't know any better, but Cas still looked up sharply the cup of coffee he was nursing. "What?"
"I asked, how big are your wings? They have to be big enough to carry you and I've never actually seen them."
Castiel processed Dean's question. "A human asking the size of an angel's wings is similar to asking the size of another human's penis, if I am not misunderstanding your culture."
Dean's face turned beet red and he turned away. Although he resigned himself to the answer, he still couldn't help but quell the curiosity.
Cas could see this and sighed. "Come with me."
Dean followed the angel out of the bunker and to a snowbank not far from the door. He stared as the angel undid his tie and took off his trench coat, dropping them by his feet in the snow.
"Uh, Cas? What are you doing?"
"Showing you the size of my wings. You are curious, aren't you?"
Cas held his gaze with piercing blue eyes that complimented the snow. Dean swallowed and nodded.
He removed his suit jacket, but was having trouble undoing the buttons on his dress shirt.
"Need some help?" Asked Dean, smirking slightly.
Cas nodded and stared at the sky as Dean undid the buttons at his throat and worked his way down. Neither could help but notice Dean's fingers brushing the warm, tan skin of Castiel's chest.
By the time he finally got it off, he sat back in the snow and looked to Dean. "Ready?"Dean nodded and he heard the unfurling of Cas' wings, although he didn't see them.Castiel laid back in the snow, wincing at the cold before accepting it.
Two huge imprints were at Cas' sides. Each one at least ten feet long, they stretched across the snow bank, unmoving. Dean got closer and could make out each individual fiber.
Slowly, Dean reached his hand out and tried to touch what he knew had to be there.
He couldn't see the soft wings, but he sure as hell felt them.
A/N: Ughh, this is trash, sorry. Next one should actually have Destiel, not this almost Destiel shit that the show would make us suffer through. -Jordan

Destiel Oneshots
FanfictionExactly like it sounds. Some fluff, smut if requested, blah blah blah. Leave some ideas in the comments :)