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"Alex is over Nori" I Said in my pillow for the 50th time. My phone was next to me, and I was on a call with Justin. He was really my best friend, he would listen to all my problems.

"Ok enough talk about the boring stuff! Let's talk about new things! Like the new kid. All the ladies say he's hot!" Justin says in a suggestive way through the phone.

"Ok... what's his name?"

"I think it's Parker?" Justin answered

"How does he look?"

"Black curly hair, freckles, looks like a frog, elegant light skin, pink lips, brown eyes, famous" Justin said

"Famous?" I asked

"You heard me right, he's all over! I just didn't care about him until now."

"Ok cool, hope we can make a new friend!"

"Yeah..... then we'd be famous!!"

"Dude, Do it for his personality, not fame."

"Ok ms. Bossy pants" I rolled my eyes as his ridiculous nickname for me.

"If you couldn't tell, I'm rolling my eyes" I spoke into the phone

"Oh hush up! Let me enjoy the moment"

"Bye nerd" I Said

"Bye lover" Justin made kissy noises through the phone and I blushed.

"Shut up" I mumbled "by the way, I'm coming over"

"NO! YOU-" hang up

After that, I got dressed and headed to their house which was a walking distance away. I knocked on their door and Alex answered.

"Hey Alex!"

"Hey Y/n! Wanna come inside?" I nodded and followed Alex inside. He took me up to the room that Justin and him were sharing.

"So Justin" I said, flopping onto the bed. "Who is this Parker"

"I just wanna say that you can't come to my house that unexpected and-"

"who is Parker!" I interrupted Justin. he huffed in frustration, but started looking for a picture of him.

"who is Parker?" Alex asked. I totally forgot that he was there!

"He is a new kid that will be attending our school" I told Alex

"and he is famous!" Justin said satisfied

"Did you find a picture yet?" Alex asked

"Yeah, here is a good one"

"YOWCH HE IS HAWT" I said, fanning my face

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"YOWCH HE IS HAWT" I said, fanning my face.

"Nori is soooo gonna go after him" Justin said

"Yea she is" I Said

"Why would you think that?" Alex asked

"Because she always is after hot boys, like how she was after you-" I smacked my hand on my mouth to stop myself from saying anymore. I turned bright red and Justin started laughing. Alex turned slightly red when Justin started chanting "Y/n thinks Alex is hot!"

"Shut up" I mumbled and hid my face in my hands.

"So Justin only wants to be friends with Parker for the fame?" Alex asked, changing the topic.

"Yup" I Said, popping the "p" .

"I'm ashamed" Alex started shaking his head.

"Little bro! That hurts." Just faked a sad face and placed a hand on his heart. I smiled an smelled cookies.

"Do you guys-?" Alex asked

"COOKIES" Justin and I said in sinq as we started racing down the stares, Alex hot on our trail.

"Woah kids! Slow down! Oh! You must be y/n! The girl Alex and Justin talk a lot about." Said Justin's mom. "I'm Maggie! Wanna know a secret? I think mr. brunette over here likes y-"

"MOM" Alex shrieked.

"Oops sorry!" Maggie said, obviously not sorry. She seemed like a nice woman.

"Anyways, help yourselves" She gestured towards the cookies, and when she looked away, Alex and Justin took the whole bowl. They quickly ran upstairs and I followed them.

"Wait who made these cookies?" Alex asked

"Your mom, duh" I claimed rolling my eyes

"Can't be, mom isn't a good cook and these cookies taste amazing!" Justin said eating them all.

"How about I be the taste tester?" Alex said after he tasted one cookie.

"How about no" Justin said.

"Kids! Come here!" Maggie screamed on the top of her lungs.

"Oh no! She knows about how we stole the cookies from her grasp!" Alex said sadly

" I don't think so, c'mon guys, let's find out wha t she really wants." We all walked downstairs at that and saw that both their parents were dressed up.

"We are going out so you kids are going to be home alone! Love you kids! Bye! Kisses" and with that, she left.

"I guess I'm your babysitter" I told them with a smirk on my face.

"Oh no..." said both brothers in sinq

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