Chapter 1-A day in the life of an ugly duckling

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In my bio I said I was going to Release it at chapter 10.....BUT I COULDN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! DONT FORGET TO COMMENT!


"Man Ash got cute since I last saw him!" I exclaimed to my friends. School would finally be ending in three weeks and I was ready for this nightmare to end.

"I know!" Ginger and Nina squealed at the same time.

We laughed at how in synch the twins were. People say twin telepathy isn't real but Gee and Nina were living proof.

"I need to stop trying to chase after guys though. They don't want me." I stated shaking my head and looking away from Ash.

Nina and Ginger looked at each other and gave each other a look agreeing with my statement. They thought I hadn't seen them, but I had.

"Oh come on Rose your gorgeous!" Nina said. Gina furiously nodded her head agreeing with her sister.

This infuriated me more than their shared look had. I knew my friends were fake every since freshman year. I showed up with my brand new White Micheal Kors bag that I got from my grandma GG for my birthday and Ginger threw it in the mud. It was ruined beyond repair.

I honestly don't know why I haven't cut them off but it's like I can't. And I have no idea why. Maybe it's the need to have friends.

"Stop lying you guys. I know I'm not pretty. My nose is gigantic, my ears are to small, my eyes are plain black, I have pimples, I wear glasses, and my hair isn't straight like everyone else! Im ugly just admit it!"

I realized I had yelled and immediately flinched at my own outburst. I looked to see that I had caught the attention of many of my peers nearby. I mouthed a sorry and felt my skin heat in embarrassment.

I looked at Nina and Ginger who looked shocked at me losing my calm demeanor. But just as the shock registered on their faces it disappeared as they began a conversation with one of their other friends and my best frenemy. Clarissa Findlend. Basically Queen bee of the school.

"Rosie!" She said in faux excitement. Clarissa hated me. She always acted like she liked me but everyone saw the dirty looks she gave me. Especially me.

"Soooo! There's a party tonight at Anthony's. Are you guys coming?"

I thought about it for a moment. My aunt Danielle wouldn't be coming home from Europe until next Friday so I could do whatever I wanted. In the end I agreed to go.

The bell rang for first period and we all scattered, but before I could get far I heard my name get called.

I turned around to see Ash standing in the middle of the hallway his friends not to far behind. I had a bad feeling when I saw that they were all snickering.

"I saw you staring at me Rose. I would never go for you just to clear the air." He said with a smirk.

I felt like I had gotten hit in the stomach, but this happened often. The rejection. I never let my emotions show. Ever.

"I never said I wanted you to go for me you arrogant, self centered asshole I said you were cute. So instead of talking to me why don't you go and bring that F up you have in gym you nonathletic imbecile!" I shot back.

His smirk quickly faded and he turned red from embarrassment. Everyone knows he got rejected from every team he tried out for.

"Yeah w-well at least I-I don't get rejected!" He shot back even though his confidence had drained. His friends began to back away from him as they realized this is a fight that he would not win.

"And I'm fine with that but if you keep talking to me I'll have to simply show our dear old principal Mr. Johnson the video on Instagram of you swapping spit with his daughter at last weekends party and we wouldn't want that now would we?" I said smirking.

He instantly went pale and his eyes went to something behind me. I turned around to find the big man himself staring at Asher and he didn't look to happy.

"My office. NOW!" I smirked and continued my walk to class.

The day went by really slow but the end of the day finally came and I barely had any homework for the weekend which would leave me time to get over my hangover.

I called Clarissa to come over and get ready at my house with me since I never show up to these parties alone.

She arrived at 7 and the party was supposed to be at 9. I was driving us to Anthony's house which was 20 minutes away from mine, so it was more convenient that she cane over anyway.

Clarissa got glamed up. Makeup, a black crop top that showed off her perfectly toned abs, and white high waisted shorts that complemented her tan legs. She looked gorgeous. As always.

I simply wore a sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

I'm only going to get drunk tonight anyway.

"Okay I'm ready!" Clarissa said at 8:30. She walked out and let out a very dramatic gasp when she saw my outfit. She looked disgusted and I flinched.

"What. The. Hell. Are you wearing?" She said. I hated that nickname and she knew it.

"Clothes?" I said nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders.

"NO! We are gonna just have to be late because you are not going anywhere with em looking like.....That." She said walking to my closet.

She picked out an outfit that matched hers in color. She grabbed an off the shoulder crop top and the same pair of high waisted shorts that she was wearing. I put them on and before I could ask if we could go she grabbed my arm and drug me to the bathroom.

"I'm straightening your hair, and where is all of your makeup?" she said.

I grabbed my makeup bin and set it on the counter. She grabbed a piece of my extra curly hair and straightened it. It fell to the middle of my back past my bra strap.

finishing my hair she did my makeup without any mistakes. I looked at myself in awe. I still wasn't as pretty as Clarissa or the twins, but I wasn't far behind.

25 minutes after Clarissa made me look somewhat attractive we arrived at the party. When we got there Clarissa immediately left me to go find Gabe, her on and off again boyfriend.

I sped off directly in the direction of the kitchen. I immediately found what I was looking for. Multiple bottles of what I was looking for actually.

I poured myself a red solo cup of vodka and drank it a little to quick.

Why not start the night off right huh?

I suddenly felt arms wrap around my torso and I stiffened.

"So is this your first time at one of my parties?" Anthony asked.

I turned around to face the 5'11 boy so he could get a good look at my face.

"Tony you know it's me right?" I said. He jerked away in surprise. His hands quickly left me.

"R-Rose! I thought you were someone else s-s-Sorry!"

I just smiled and gave him a quiet 'that's okay'.

When he walked off I went on the porch to get some air. What did I do wrong? Why is this my life? I thought in frustration. I sat down on the steps and leaned on the post. Looking at the stars. I could finally see the stars.

I drank a lot more that night. The last thing I remember is blacking out.

Hey Cuties!❤️

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