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Talia Brooks

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Talia Brooks

"You know you can't be mad at Quanie right? You both were in the wrong for cheating on each other, but you did the right thing by letting him go. He was a weak ass nigga and we both know that you deserve somebody better." Hazel said, rolling up a blunt.

"Yeah I guess. I just want to know where we went wrong, you know? At first, Quanie and I were so in love and I thought nothing in the world would tear us apart. That is...until he cheated on me and that stirred up something inside of me, and not in a good way." I huffed. 

"Trust me, I know. I was there remember? You were so pissed off, which led you to have sex with your brother's best friend just to get back at him! And now...Zell is in love with your ass." She laughed. I frowned as I looked back on the day Zell and I hooked up. If I knew then, what I know now, then I would've never done what I did.

Growing up, Zell and I had a crush on each other, but we never acted on anything because of Tevin. Needless to say, that shit went out the window after we had sex. I was so upset when I found out Quanie had cheated on me and all I wanted was the comfort of my older brother, but instead I ran into Zell and took comfort in him instead. Even though that night was amazing, it was just a one night stand. For me anyways. To Zell...it was something way more.

"Ugh...don't remind me. That boy doesn't know how to take a damn clue." We shared a laugh as I got up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Apple Crown out of the cabinet. "Not only does he not know how to take a clue, but neither does Biggie. Which reminds me...I need to fire his ass! He told Quanie about us after I whooped that niggas ass the other day."

"Girl...I didn't know you messed around with Biggie. Bitch tell me everything! Was his dick big?" She asked.

"First of all, we didn't have sex. I've never had sex with Biggie's buff ass, nor have I seen what he's working with. He's only given me head, which I can honestly say that he's blessed in the tongue department."

"Oh la la. I knew he had to have some type of sexual advantage for you to keep him around, but now that he's out of the picture as well...you are completely man free."

"Don't sound so surprised, Hazel. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Now, I don't have any distractions whatsoever." I said, taking a shot.

"No distractions except Mr. Tall, white, and handsome who is calling you right now." Hazel smiled, pointing at my phone. Dean was calling me and I wasted no time declining his call. "Now why would you do that?"

"Because I'm busy."

"Busy doing what?" She questioned. 

"Drinking and gossiping with my bestie." I smiled. 

"Yeah you right, you right. What's going with you two anyways?"

"Nothing." I lied, pouring myself another shot. Ever since that fight broke out between Quanie and Dean, I've been staying to myself so that I could get my mind right. Dean has been calling and texting me, asking me if I was okay and saying that he wanted to see me, but I told him that I just needed some time to myself. You'd think that he's respect that, but he doesn't. He just continues to call and text me every hour, on the hour. 

"So he was also just a one night stand?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"At first he was, only because I saw those pictures of Quanie with that hoe bitch heffa, but then again...I think I like him."

"Lord say it ain't so! My baby likes a boy!" Hazel shouted, making me laugh.

"Shut up! When we hung out the other day, we actually talked about personal things in our lives." I told her.

"Personal things like what?"

"I...I almost told him about my family situation." I blurted out. Her eyes widened as she blew out a puff of smoke.


"Yep. It was almost a moment of weakness, but luckily...Quanie and that bitch came in and interrupted the entire conversation." I said.

"Well if you ask me, and I know you didn't, but I think you might actually form something special with this dude. At least give him a chance to get to know the real you." She said.

"I'll pass. The only people that should know the real me are you and Tevin. Quanie knew more then I wanted him to know, but we did have two years of history."

"Talia...don't make me text him for you." She threatened.

"Hazel leave me be! I'll reach out to Dean when I'm ready. Until then, I'm focusing on me, myself, and my money."

"Alright fine, I'll stop being the pushy best friend that is always right in the end, but don't wait too long to reach out to that fine, tall glass of milk. From what I've heard, that green eyed devil bitch always finds a way to sink her claws back into him." She shrugged, passing me the blunt. I took a long pull before passing it back to her. I really wasn't a big smoker, but I needed something to balance out these shots of liquor I was taking back.

"Anyways, where's Khloe? She's been M.I.A. lately." I asked, changing the subject.

"The hell if I know. I haven't seen that sneaky whore in God knows how long. I think she has a new boo or something."

"And how do you feel about that?" I asked. Khloe and Hazel use to mess around, though they both claim it was just a phase. I didn't believe it at first, but after they broke up...Hazel got with the man she's with now while Khloe just dated around. 

"I could care less about who Khloe is messing around with. Mark and I are doing just fine and we both know how head over heels in love I am with that man. I just wish he'd hurry up and pop the question." I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off by my phone ringing. "Dean again?"

"Yep." I ignored his call again and turned my phone off. Like I said before, I'll reach out to him when I'm ready. In the meantime, I'm all about me and my money.

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