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Amy's Pov

(Still in shock with morning incident) James, he can't be james, no he cannot be james, he knew me from the very first day, such a player he is. But why me, what the hell is wrong with my life, how he can be robin's friend, robin is really different from James, i've never heard anything wrong about him but he is  james friend that means he is also the same. I don't fucking care about robin, james or anyone, i just know one thing, I have to get out from this mess as soon as I can and if i got to know robin is also involve in this then i will make sure to involve my mom & dad and robin’s too because this is hell too much. But first of all i have to tackle this problem JAMES.

"OHH,, God" what i have done wrong in past, why i have to face this.

I just went back to my room and plug out the charger, search his name, i've saved it as psycho and put his number in block list. Now he cannot reach me, YA, change your address too, really amy who are you fooling, you know he can reach you anytime, anywhere because he know your damn fucking house, now you have to deal with him every time, perhaps everyday. I don't want feel like having dinner today, just need a rest, i can't pressurise my mind by thinking about him or any of this shit anymore.

"James, what are you doing here, how did you get into my house" and i saw noone is there where the hell is everyone. "What you did do, you psycho, where are everyone" he just smirk and taking his giant step towards me, pinch me to the wall " i am going to take you with me" he is coming closer then i just open my eyes and glance at my room, where he is, then i check everywhere but james is nowhere to be found, i took a relief sigh and went back to my room. "IT was just a dream" i said to myself.

My school went well, i haven't check my phone yet but when i did, i was surprised to see 15 missed calls from one number and 29 text from the same number as well. The first word came out from my mouth was " what the f&#@".

i started reading all the text and my breathing get faster because all text msgs are from the one number and I know it can only be JAMES. Looks like he has been trying my number from last night but i blocked his number, this must be his another number. what does he want, why he is behaving like total psycho. I have to talk to him and need to know what the hell is his problem.

Then i press the call button and he pick up in the 3rd ring.

Amy : “Are you ma.” he just cut me off. Started shouting on me like a parent...

James : "Where the hell you have been" i can sense his anger through the call. how can he talk to me like that.

Amy : "who the hell you are think of yourself, you texted me and have called me like psycho, and now you are shouting on me, like I did something really wrong" i said louder.

James : " Who i am, who the hell I am, Amy don't you fucking dare talk to me in such tone, you have blocked my number and i was trying to reach you from last night, why didn't you pick my call"

Amy : "Because I was in school and if you have studied in school than you must know i can't pick a call in the middle of my classes, Now can you stop being a psycho here or i just the call" i am damn frustrated on him.

James : "Look, Amy i know i showed up like serial killer, but can you just talk to me like normal people and listen to me for once" this man is like a season, changes his mood just like that.

Amy : "Okay fine tell me and please for god sake, after this stop calling me”

James : " I want you, from the very first day when i saw you and i promise i will get you, sorry I'm not very good at it but I don't be afraid of me because i won't do anything wrong and trust me on this and also i like you very much. " he said in one breathe.

Amy : he sounds so polite but bossy at the same time. which scared me actually but he said something which feels so true from his voice not like those guys who just fell in love in couple of minutes, bluhhh fake.."okay fine, but if you ever try to do something wrong then i will call the cops and robin will also pay for it." " and ya one more thing i'll give you only one chance." What amy why you giving him a chance, are you out of your mind, he said he want can't you see there is something wrong with him.

James : "Cool, Princess, now can you unblock my number and can we talk like a normal people" he said with polite tone.

Amy : "what are we doing now then"

James : He growl in anger " Amy please, i am also trying to be very polite with you"

Amy : " okay fine, but why are you trying to polite"

James : "Will tell you later my princess"

Amy's Pov

And we started talking and he is not that bad as he seems to be, he told me about himself but he haven't shared a single thing about his past, even when i try to ask him many time but he the topic. Whole night we were talking about each other and i actually feel good because i never ever talk to someone who is a complete stranger to me and i am talking like i know him from last many years. He told me he wanted to meet me, but i told him that it is too early for me to trust him as he is still a stranger to me and we don't know who is the exact person behind the mask so i told him to wait and after our long conversation he started flirting with me which i know he will do but i am reacting like a silly girl and giggling over his every flirtatious lines and i actually found him cute though still he is a psycho to me and i am not going to change his name until he behave like a one.

After that in a sweetest tone he said goodnight to me and like a fool i just smile back. Whole night i was thinking about what just happened today, It was unexpected, but he is not that bad and he likes me but we haven't met properly and our first meeting was a huge mess but what if he ask me for "Now, i cant i don't know how to, i have never been in a relationship before." Yes once i told my friend that i am in relationship but he caught me and tell me that i don't have to lie about myself it's okay to be single i am just in school and after that day i just enjoy being myself and never thought about any relshp but now it feels i am living in ancient times because i don't know how to behave when you are in relationship, i guess it is not that bad, i think i should stop thinking about it, will get to know when the time come. Let just wait and see what happen in future.

So finally they just started thinking about each other and hope it will be last long but let see what happen in future because we don't what is waiting for us.

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