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MASON MITTY WAS EVERY BIT HIS BROTHER, YET NOTHING LIKE HIM AT ALL. Fraternal twins, not identical, it was easy to tell the two apart once people realized that they didn't look anything alike, Mason all round curves and Matthew sharp edges, at least around the cheeks, though also around every other part of them, physically and personally.

Contrary to popular belief, however—and pre-conceived notions people harbored due to what they had learned about Matthew Mitty just recently—Mason Mitty was much more physical and touchy than his brother would probably ever be.

"Stop it!" Matthew cried, trying to fight off his brother who had tried to pull him into a bear hug, "God, who agreed to go on a date with you this time?"

"No one," the older twin by two minutes and thirty six seconds declared, happily tossing his brother onto the large couch they had in their sitting room, "But Cynthia MacMillan completely shut down Ryan 'cause he didn't want you back on the baseball team, and now all the girls know not to go out with him. At least, the ones that are worth even caring about, since the only ones willing to go out with him are also homophobic, but since when do they matter?"

Matthew ducked his head and smiled, still flustered by how much his brother had embraced him since he had come out. That entire ordeal had been a very intense process, but he was glad to have his brother on his side; Mason was an intense presence himself, and he would throw himself wholeheartedly into whatever he did, and that included caring for his brother.

"How's the music coming along?" Mason asked, glancing over towards the corner where their cello and violin sat, waiting for them to take notice and start playing them on days that weren't their lessons.

"We're trying to write, like, this lemon-themed album, and I came up with this thing that, like, does that cool thing where it'll be a really bad chord, but then it'll get smoothened out later on, like you know that thing, I forget what it's called, but, like, we're doing that thing, and Sabine and Wyatt've already gotten a lot of the lyrics down, like, it's really cool," he gushed, eyes twinkling with excitement.

That was the problem with Matthew: he couldn't explain things for the life of him. He always got too flustered and too excited, wanting it to sound interesting, but also wanting to get the point across, but not knowing how, especially when it came to his music.

But Mason always understood, and he just smiled at his brother, nodding. "That's awesome! You should sing a song about snorting lemon juice, but make it really poetic."

Matthew scoffed, watching as his brother burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, do you have something you want to share with the class?"

Mason laughed even harder, dropping his head into his brother's lap, stretching his legs out along the couch. "Wanna turn off all the lights and watch Black Mirror?"

Matthew took a deep breath. "I'm gonna get so fucked up, but, yeah, let's do it."

º º º

"What are you two doing?"

The twins screamed as they whirled around to stare at the looming figure in the doorway, clutching each other in fear, Matthew nearly fainting with the level of anxiety he had been experiencing for the past three hours, Mason not that far behind.

"It's me," Brandon Mitty drawled, flipping on the lights, causing the two boys to flinch, hiding their faces in the pillows and blankets they had gotten.

The oldest Mitty brother rolled his eyes, flopping onto the end of the couch opposite where the boys were, rummaging through the duffel bag he had brought with him. A sophomore at NYU, he could have easily lived with them and just commuted to school, but he had decided to be free of his family, even if they had followed him to college, and the twins were alright with him just dropping by at odd times.

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