Chapter three

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Sorry I didn't know how to do the chapters so I guess were on chapter three now!

Tori's POV

As soon as hayes left I ran back to my hotel room not even thinking about the bruise "on my ankle

I got upstairs and Julia was watching tv so I jumped on top of her and told her everything

"Wait you ran into Hayes Grier like the one that everyone is obsessed with?!" She asked

"No Julia Hayes Grier the garbage man... YES OF COURSE THE FAMOUS ONE!" I yelled

"Sorry I got excited" she responded

Ok sorry for not telling you before but my sister loves all of the magcon stuff and I know who they are because of her but never was obsessed with them but never really had anything against them

"It's all goo-"

'Bing' my phone goes off and it's an unknown number

'Hey it's Hayes from like 20 minutes ago I was wondering what hotel you are in because if it's close we should hang out'

Me: 'oh hey I think it's a Marriott but it's on palmbay street'

Hayes :'thats right near my house! we should totally hang out'

Me: 'I'll go ask my sister'

Me: 'she said yes!'

Hayes :'what do ya wanna do?'

Me: 'i dont know what's around here you pick'

Hayes: 'how about I tell you what's around here and then you can pick'

Me: 'ok'

Hayes: 'theres a movie theatre, parks, the mall, and then they're a this really fun indoor trampoline place that we can rent out the whole day'

Me (since I knew he wanted to go to the trampoline place) : 'the trampoline place sounds really fun! how do you rent out the whole place?'

Hayes: 'since magcon started people always mob around me and like attack me everywhere I go so we always have to rent out the places that we go to and we have rented it out before so we can'

Me: 'oh that sounds kinda fun haha what time are we meeting?'

Hayes: 'its 4:00 now so I'll come get you at five, we can go out to dinner and then head to the place, would you mind if some of the guys came?'

Me: 'no not at all'

Hayes: 'you should invite your sister and her boyfriend too'

Me: ' ok! See you at five!'

By the time that conversation was over it was 4:15 so I ran over to Julia and Eric as asked them if they wanted to come and they both said yes so I ran into the bathroom stripped and got in

When I got out of the shower it was 4:25 so I blow dried my hair put it into a pony tail and curled it and put on black converse shorts with Nike pros under since that was sporty and my volleyball jersey number 7 I also put on mascara since that's all the makeup I wear

When I got out both Julia and Eric were ready to go so we just sat and watched tv until there was a know on the door I got it and it was hayes

"Hey" I said

"Hey are you guys ready?" he said

"Yup" I responded grabbed my phone and my wallet and we all left

"Taylor, nash, Shawn, jack, jack, Aaron, Matt, carter, and Cameron, this is Tori, Julia and Eric." "And I'm hayes if you didn't know"

I giggled and said hey to all of them

We arrived at a pizza place called galleria and it was awesome we got the bill and I tried to pay but Hayes refused so I tried again and he said no and took my money and put it back into my wallet and paid

We then left and headed to the trampoline place

We arrived and it was awesome! hayes once again paid for me to get in and we jumped and did flips and I tried to show him how to do a full because I am a cheerleader but he failed of course

We jumped for three and a half hours and then all went back to their house since they all had a house together apart from the Griers house and we watched a scary movie

"Are you ok" hayes asked me

"No I hate scary movies" I said

"Don't worry I'm here to protect you your ok"

Just hearing his voice made me calm down

We cuddled in next to each other and Cameron being an ass yelled "is it hot in here or is it just me!"

Me and hayes both giggled and kept watching the movie until sleep took over me

Best. night. ever

I liked this chapter sooooo much better but I have to use my phone because my computer won't work so sorry for any typos if you wanna be in the story later you can comment or message me your name and things about you like hair and eye color and hobbies. ok! talk later!


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