The First Dance

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Loki was sitting in his lessons, drawing absentmindedly on the edge of his paper. The lessons were rather boring to him since he was ahead of his age group. Frigga, his mother, tried several times to move Loki into Thor's age for lessons, but the main instructors at the Learning Hall wouldn't let him move up. Loki thought is was because of his magic, but even Frigga didn't know why.

Loki glanced up at the instructor. He was going on and on about the historical wars that Asgard was in. Loki already knew this from a book he read, so he could tell that the instructor was missing major details from the lesson.

"Alright, scholars. That concludes our lesson for the day. I want everyone to write a full page about the Asgardian/Jotun war," the instructor said.

Loki was the only one who didn't complain. He actually enjoyed learning, which was strange since everyone in Asgard were too obsessed with war and bashing enemy heads in.

The class gathered their things and headed outside for the mid-day meal. Loki sat down under an apple tree and proceeded to read. Thor came over from his lessons and plopped down next to his brother.

"Well, I'm hungry. What about you?" Thor asked and dug through his bag for the meal that was prepared for the two of them.

Loki kept reading, trying to ignore his brother's frantic search for their lunch.

Thor stopped searching through his bag and leaned back against the tree trunk. "Um, Loki. I think I lost our food," Thor said quietly, staring longingly at his bag.

That got Loki's attention. "You what?!" Loki snapped his book shut and grabbed Thor's bag off of his lap. A minute passed and Loki threw the bag back in frustration. "Mother trusted you with it and you lost it?!"

Thor scratched the back of his head. "I didn't lose it," he mumbled.

Loki glared at his brother. "What do you mean you 'didn't lose it?' It's clearly gone!"

"I may have gotten hungry during one of my lessons," Thor muttered.

"By the Norns, Thor! You can't just eat whenever you're hungry! What about me? What am I going to eat now?"

Thor's temper was rising. "I don't see why you're so upset. You never eat much anyway."

Loki looked up at the tree, trying to control his own temper. "Ugh. I guess I'll just starve."

"Hey," Thor put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'm sorry I ate our food."

Loki sighed. "I forgive you. Just don't do that again."


The rest of the day dragged on until the very last lesson, "Midgardian Studies." Loki was staring out of the window, lost in his own thoughts, when the teacher clapped her hands in front of his face.

"Wake up, Loki. Just because you think that you're ahead of the class doesn't mean that you cannot pay attention," she scolded.

The class laughed. Loki's face burned from called out in front of everyone.

"Now I asked the class a question. Can you repeat it?" the teacher said.

"Um, I...uh... don't know," Loki admitted.

"See me after the lesson," she whispered sternly. "Now, who was the first person to discover the New World, or America as they call it?"

"Christopher Columbus!" a kid shouted from the back of the room.

"Good job. Moving on since we finally have the question answered," the teacher made a point to look at Loki when she said this.

Loki ignored the glare, but realized that the answer was wrong and raised his hand.

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