Blossom ( Part 2)

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Kit: Beam, Are you going out with him?

Beam: For sure I'm not going with him. He is a stranger for me.

Kit had a smirk in his face.

Kit: I guess we don't inquire about strangers.

Beam understand Kit is teasing him but he decided not to go out with Forth no matter what happen. After class Beam goes to his dorm. He lay on his bed while thinking about Forth. He couldn't decide whether to go or not. He felt something with Forth. Beam look at the clock on the wall where it show 10 minute to six. Beam took his shower and stand infront his wardrobe. He still not sure what to do since he don't face such situation before this.

Beam mention "whatever" and took his favourite white t-shirt and black jeans. He look at mirror after dressed up and ask himself why he is doing this. He heard someone knock his door. Beam just walk casually and open the door. His eye just popped bigger the moment he saw Forth standing there.

Beam: P.. Forth

Forth: Yes Beam wait you are looking good.

Mentioning that Forth give a gift to Beam.

Forth: Beam.. Are you ready? Shall we move?

Beam said yes. He place the gift Forth give to him on his study table and took his wallet and phone with him. Forth drive Beam to restaurant by a lake. It look lovely as the moon ray reflected on the lake water with peaceful environment.

Beam: P' Forth, how?

Forth: Beam.. lets order food first then we talk.

Beam chooses the menu and Forth asked the waiter to make it for both of them.

Forth: Okay, Beam you are asking something.

Beam: P' how you know my room.

Forth: Beam.. I know most of things about you. I'm the student council president I can access any information I want.

Beam: There are a lot juniors want your attention but why you are hitting me?

Forth: Not all are you, Beam.

Beam: P'...

Forth: I really meant that Beam. Now lets eat. You may find the answer why I'm hitting on you in the gift I gave you.

Beam wonder what would be in gift. He quickly eat the food served by the waiter. Forth keep smiling look at how Beam is behaving. After he finished up everything he ordered he ask Forth to bring him back to his dorm.

Forth understand Beam's curiosity. Beam thanked Forth for the dinner and run towards his room. Forth hoped Beam should be able to recall the gift. Beam directly look for the gift and tear the wrapping. Smile slowly appeared in Beam's face when he saw the gift. Through balcony he saw Forth still waiting in his car. Beam run towards to Forth's car but slowly slow down his speed as it gets nearer.

Forth saw Beam through his side mirror and get out of his car. From Beam's facial expression Forth able to know Beam recall everything.

Forth: Beam...

Beam didn't speak anything. He pulled Forth towards him and slowly give him kiss. Forth shocked with Beam's bold move but he enjoys them.

Beam: Thank you.

Forth: For...

Beam: Being my boyfriend.

Forth: Can I?

Beam: Do you have to asked?

Forth just shouted happily. "You belongs to me". It started to rain slowly and Beam asked Forth to stay with him which Forth happily agreed. Even without Beam invitation Forth already plan to be with Beam.

Beam: P'Forth you look different till I couldn't recall you. I'm uses to see you with glasses and braces.

Forth: Im using contact lens and my teeth is all set so no more braces. Moreover, my boyfriend have so much demand I have to compete what.

Beam and Forth just smile and their moment is disturb by Kit and Ming. Kit and Ming shocked to see Forth in Beam's room. Kit just bring Ming to introduce to Beam as he is asking about Forth.

Ming: Forth, what are you doing here? I heard rumours about you going behind a junior and it seems true.

Forth: Yes... Ming. It's not rumours. I found him back. My Tee...

Ming's eyes gets wider when he hear the word Tee comes from Forth's mouth. He look at Beam and ask Tee. Forth nodded.

Kit: Beam, what's is going on here? Who is Tee?

Beam: Its me Kit. I know P'Forth in a tuition center. There a group annoying seniors in the tuition center who loved to disturb me. Whatever they asked I just lie to them. One of things I lie to them is my name. All of them address me as Tee. They like to disturb be to a extend it really annoys me but then only I found someone who appear to rescue me.

Kit: Is it P'Forth.

Beam: No... he is the one who disturb me.

Kit: What?

Forth: Beam...

Beam: Okay... okay. None rescue me. To escape from P'Forth I said I love him and asked him to become my boyfriend.

Kit: He agrees...

Forth: Yes I did... Im not a bully till I see him in the tuition. That time I don't how to approach him. The only thing I know is I like him.

Beam: P'Forth even now you don't know how to approach. Still forcing me.

Mentioning that Beam chuckles. Forth backhug Beam and place a kiss in his neck.

Forth: I don't know how to approach but I Love you Beam.

Beam: I know right. I also love you P' even you disturb me. I know you did it to me only but I just can't exposed at that time and everything comes to end as the tuition center closed.

Forth: Thank god. I found you back.

Forth said that looking at Beam. The way both look at each other can show how much they love each other. Ming and Kit cheers for both of them but without realizing Ming is standing closely to Kit. The moment Kit turn he hit on Ming's chest and about to lost his balance but Ming react quickly and hold Kit's waist. Forth romance with Beam while Kit stare at Ming.

●~● The End ●~●

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