Karen's POV
*sigh* I walked out of the audition feeling nervous. I had just tried out for the part of Amelia Pond, a companion on Doctor Who, and as I was leaving through the long hallway to the audition I glanced around at the other people trying out. There were so many people there! How was I supported to get a part with all these other actors here? I noticed someone staring at me, he was wearing a white shirt with a blackish brown tweed jacket and jeans. He had a sticker on his short that said "Hello my name is ... and Matt Smith was written in blue marker. Another sticker said: I am trying out for the part of... and The Doctor was also written in blue marker. In that same beautiful curvy handwriting. His hair was brown, parted to the left and his big brown eyes were staring at me as I passed. I think he realized that I had slowed down and he looked away. I'm not sure why I slowed down. Or what caught my attention. A lot of people were staring at me, why did I slow down for one person. "Goodbye Karen." The door holder brought me back to reality. I had reached the end of the hallway without realizing. "Goodbye" my Scottish voice had spoken for me. On the Taxi ride home I was lost in
thought. I had almost forgotten to tell the taxi driver where to drop me off.