/-Wakey wakey-\

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Yah no, that's not how I woke up on my first day it was more like this;
"LILLY WAKE THE HELL UP" Emma screamed in my face, I believe I was very very wrong about her she is a real pain in the butt.
"Ok ok,I'm up" I say putting my hands up in surrender.
"You need to change,then my brother will bring you to breakfast, then give you a tour of your new home" wait what did she say my new "home". Yah no.
"Um-mm sorry to break this to you but this isn't MY home it's YOUR home" I say putting the covers over myself. VICTORY IS MINE!!...Or was it?!
"Wow a sassy one, my brothers will eat you up then spit you out" Why does it seem like vampires totally don't like me.
"Ok bye" I say waving hoping she leaves but she stays for some reason.
"Are you ok? Do you need something?" I ask waiting for her to answer.
"Yes, Alex asked me to give you this necklace its suppost to stop you from being compelled" Emma puts this circle shaped necklace in my face.
"What's compulsion?" I ask, she turns and gives me a you didn't know that look.
"It's when vampires use there powers to make you do whatever they want you to do,so my dear brother wants to protect you. Well at least try" what does she mean by try? She hands me the necklace, well more like throws it.
"Wow it's beautiful" I take the necklace and put it on, it has a topaz color in the middle.
"Yah yah yah enjoy it while it last sweety because I'm the nicest one out of my family, but good luck you'll need it, Toottles!" Wow she's a total b-
"OWW!!" I scream as the necklace burns onto my skin, why is it burning me.
The burn made me jump out of my bed great now I'm up. Well let's get ready for the rest of my vampire filled day. That's something only some girls get to say.
While I get my self together I realize I have nothing to get myself together with so I just start to open the door.But as I open the door I hear a sound so I quickly rush to open the door.
"Hello anyone there?" I ask hoping not to get an answer.
I step outside my door and make my way down the hallway. I feel like I could get lost in here, so many hallways and turns. Well let's take a right then left.
5 Minutes of being lost later.....
Well I'm offioulsy lost, I'm gonna admit it.
"Lilly..." Someone whispers. Wait who said that, oh please no I can't die like this.
"W-who there?" I ask but I have no weapons and no idea where I am.
"AHHHHH!!" I scream
"You should've seen your face" I hear someone laughing I turn around and see Brendan?
   "That's not funny I thought you were going to kill me!" I scream hitting him in the arm, but all he does is just smirk.
    "Well I didn't so you want me to show to breakfast because my dearest brother was worried, ohh look who took there necklace off little Alex won't be so happy will he?"
  "Well it burned me so I took it off" I explain but he doesn't look shocked did he know?
   "Well it's not safe without that necklace on, hold on one sec" he leaves but is back within a second.
He hands me a ring with the same color of the necklace.
  "Thanks, it's beautiful I love the design" I say but he just keeps on looking me up and down. Wow so much for liking a girl for more than her looks.
  "Ok dude listen I know I'm hot and all but stop with the checking out, ok?" I say, walking away from him. But he grabs my arm.
   "Let go of me!"
    "Ok ok I will just let me talk"
   "It's just that I don't know your different than other girls, you know what never mind"
  "Umm ok" he's a softie but what does he mean by different am I really different I don't think so.
  "The kitchen is down the hall to the right" right when he says that I start walking I turn to say thank you but he's already gone. Hmm I wonder how the other siblings are, probably worse but who am I to judge.
While I'm walking i hear some whispering. Please do not be some secret vampire thingy that I'm not supposed to know. But I'm nosey so I'll go find out what it is but I want breakfast.
  Fine. Secret then food.
By the time I find the source of the whispering, the whispering stops. Well let's get some food. But hey didn't Emma say that the servants bring the food to my room. Whatever.
   "Lilly? Hey! Wait where's your necklace?" Oh it's Alex yay!! He's my favorite, do I have a favorite vampire wow I'm sad.
  "It burned me so I took it off but then your brother Brendan gave me a ring" I say but Alex storms of.
   "WAIT WHAT DID I SAY WRONG?!!" Oh my gosh why are boys so akk.
   Whatever he can go cry in his room. But for me I'm going to have some toast with avocado and eggs on top.
  45 minutes after burning toast...
"Mmm finally the perfect toast!" I say I'm praise it's only been forever since I've had food.
" I wonder where everyone is?" I start to wonder around the kitchen with the plate of my breakfast. When something rather delicious caught my eye; OREOS!!! It's been to long since I've had one.
  A whole pack of Oreos later....
"Wow I'm full I could really use a nap" I start walking to room where it's sationary but I remember that I don't know where anything is in the mansion so I guess I'll just wait till someone comes in.
"Honey where is that dear girl?" I hear a high voice say.
"I think she's in her room but let's get some refreshments" a more deep voiced person says. The voices get closer untill there figures walk in and I'm shocked in place.
  "OH here she is sweetie did you eat?" I think that's there mom idk.
  "Umm yeah I just did I'll just leave you two to have a nice breakfast I'll be in my rom taking a nap" while walking out of the door I say but of course vampires are annoying so she had to say something back.
"Oh Lilly don't you want to know that my dear Alex and Brendan both love you at there soul mate?" WAIT WHAT!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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