Part 2

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Gregg and Laura met back in fourth grade, and were closer to elementary school sweethearts than high school. While they never officially dated when they were younger, they both had crushes on each other when they were too young to act on them.

When Laura first arrived in the U.S. from overseas in fourth grade, she was extremely shy. "Gregg was probably one of the first people that opened up his heart to me and accepted me and who I was, even as a very dorky and insecure little girl," Laura said. Meanwhile, Gregg was attracted to her "bright smile and warm personality."

They played together throughout elementary school, but once they reached high school Gregg blossomed socially while Laura was stuck at home caring for six siblings, though they each thought about the other from time to time in the back of their minds.

Laura first reached out to Gregg again in 2008, after her divorce, but he was in a committed relationship at the time so they slowly lost touch. But when Laura came across Gregg's name on LinkedIn last October and decided to reach out, there was nothing standing in their way.

Now, they're happy as can be. Laura thinks the secret to staying in love is that she and Gregg are both huge romantics.

"We've always held on to that," she said, "We were very much the same in the hope that we [would end up] with our soulmate. Gregg for me is very much my soulmate. . . It's all about respecting each other's space but also loving each other's space, and who [we] are as individuals."

Still not feeling the Valentine's Day warm-and-fuzzies? You should know that Jan and Alan and Gregg and Laura aren't alone.

In the era of Facebook, more and more reunions of lost loves from high school are happening every day. And science shows there may be some truth to the soulmates theory: One study found that people who rekindled youthful romances at least five years after their breakup have a 76% chance of staying together, compared with the 40% success ratio of marriages in the general population.

So this Valentine's Day, don't despair-you never know which unexpected soulmate could show up in your future.


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