Chapter 1

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I was in my padded room. They had finally broke me...Well that's what I wanted them to think. Today I'd be getting the procedure that would erase Cyrus from my memories. Truth is I was tired of the hurt. I wanted to forget. It was nice of Katie to believe in me when no one did and I'm kind of sad she'll never get her happiness but it was better this way. I heard rattling at the door and got aggravated.

ME: "Would you at least give me time to get dressed?!"

I got up and was surprised to see not the doctors but instead the Knave.

ME: "YOU?!"

KNAVE: "You?! That's what I get. You? Well, nice to see you too, Alice."


My breath hitched as I heard Alice talking. 'Ok so I wasn't totally separated from her just a few rooms down and we were forbidden to talk.' I ran to the door and listened in.

ALICE: "What are you doing here?"

KNAVE: "Right, come now. We have to go."

'Go?! Go where?! Who is she talking to? It isn't the doctors...'

ALICE: "Go? No, you're not real."

'OH! She's talking to her imaginary Wonderland friends!' I tried peeking through my window but I couldn't see a thing.

KNAVE: "Oh, I'm very real. And we must leave now. I've cleared some of the guards so we should be able to get out."

ALICE: "No, I can't. I can't."

KNAVE: "Alice, you need to listen to me."

ALICE: "No, I'm not going anywhere."

KNAVE: "Why must you always be so bloody stubborn?"

'Who ever she's talking to isn't imaginary. I can hear him too. And might I say the accent is gorgeous! I really wonder who it is...'


ME: "Did you say Cyrus is alive?"

KNAVE: "Been trying to tell you that. The rabbit he saw him. But we must leave now!"

He tried pulling me out and down the hall but I stopped.

KNAVE: "What? What's wrong?"

ME: "Katie! I have to rescue Katie! She can help us!"

I ran the other way and past my cell to Katie's cell. I unlocked the door and opened it. She fell in front of me. I giggled.

ME: "Always were the nosy type. Want to come with?"

She nodded and grabbed her shoes and we took off down the hall.


ME: "So where exactly are we going?!"

We were running down the halls trying to avoid the guards.

ALICE: "Cyrus is alive! We're going to rescue him!"

My eyes lit up.

ME: "You mean..."

ALICE: "The place of adventure, wonder, love, and heartbreak. The place where we can escape reality."

ME/ALICE: "Wonderland!"

ALICE: "By the way, Knave you call that a rescue?"

ME: "Alice, who's this?"

ALICE: "Right we'll have time for introductions when we get to Wonderland. Hurry down here!"

KNAVE: "It was supposed to be more of a message-delivery type situation. I wasn't planning to- Right, let's go then."

We turned and all sanity went through the window as I came face to face with a white rabbit in a waistcoat.

White Rabbit: "You're late. What a surprise."

Alice: "To you, everybody's late."

White Rabbit: "True. I do have high standards. Nice world you got here. What the hell is this stuff? It's pretty hard on the paws."

ME: "You really aren't crazy Alice. There really is a white rabbit in a waistcoat!"

White Rabbit: "Oh great who's she?!"

ALICE: "Again introductions come after we have left this hospital."

Suddenly the main doctor spotted us. Only it was just me, Alice, and the Knave in sight. The rabbit was hidden.

Dr. Lydgate: "Alice! Katie! Stop. Don't do this. I can help you both to get better."

The rabbit pushed past me.

White Rabbit: "Are we really going to stand here and listen to this guy?"

The doctor seemed shocked. 'Well if I wasn't used to the stories and running for my life I'd be shocked too.'

Alice: "Seeing things, doctor?"

ME: "I hear there's a procedure for that."

We laughed then took off running again. We made it outside and ran through the city dodging cops and knocking things over. We ran down alley after alley until we met a dead end. 'Oh No! Not the asylum again!'

Knave: "We'll be finished, for sure."

Alice: "No, we won't."

ME: "They're coming!"

Alice: "Rabbit?!"

White Rabbit: "Here? Couldn't we find somewhere with softer ground, like a field?"

'What are they talking about?'

Alice & Knave: "Dig!"

White Rabbit: "Alright!"

I watched in awe as the rabbit drew a circle on the wall and suddenly a swirling vortex appeared. The guy with us seemed a bit nervous.

Alice: "What are you waiting for?"

Knave: "Alice, I didn't exactly leave that place on good terms."

Alice: "Neither did I but if Cyrus is-"

Knave: "Then you have to go, not me!"

This ticked me off. I marched up and grabbed the guy by the collar. 


I shoved him towards the portal.

ALICE: "Well said there Katie. Now let's go!"

Knave: "Bloody hell she's scary. Alright, then. Next stop, Wonderland!"

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