FEAR by h.k.bugs

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I fear change,

Because without it no one could express how they feel,

How they try their hardest to succeed,

And make dreams possible for the few who don't have a voice,

People fear change because what it does can either be outstanding,

Or the worst thing ever,

Even worse then what has already been changed and set into motion,

But more so people respect and hope for change,

People that don't have voices,

People that fear so much to fail that they don't speak out for what they are and who they are,

I fear what people think of me,

And many others fear that same terror as well,

But that doesn't mean they can give up and count themselves out,

Don't sell yourself short when you have the spirit of the lord guiding you everyday,

Because there's no one who can break you,

No one who can judge you,

No one that can kill your soul,

Because the one who created you,

Is bigger than all of that,

All your fears and worries,

And that's why change is so important,

People who make change also speaks for the unspeakable,

The ones that cuts off every chance of speaking because they forget that,

The lord is bigger than all your fears,

All those years of tears from crying on your pillow from those years,

Of fear and hardships,

Of wanting to be normal,

But god doesn't use those that are normal,

He uses those that are willing,

Willing to speak out and make change,

Willing to have hope and faith instead of fear,

and most importantly to be YOU,

Not the you made from trends and magazines ,

Not the you that only says things to make others like you,

Be YOU the uniquely created individual,

Made by gods eyes and the changes you've made,

Your scars share them embrace them,

Your broken hearts wear them,

For these things make you,

Don't let others critical remarks pierce your soul like barbs,

Stay true to being you,

Because in your weakness gods voice and power will shine through,

Just stay true to being you.

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