Uncovering Secrets

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Warning⚠️: some jungle moon spoils if you haven't seen it yet.
Someone. They shattered pink and filed down a large enough shard? Could they really have done that?
You find words are hard to grasp as as sickness lurches upwards. "I-I will be in touch. I need time with my thoughts." With a single button the call ends now all that accompanies you is a deafening silence only broken by the drumming of your heart.
"My Nora." Your pearl reached for you. She places a hand of comfort upon your shoulder. Empathy was something that came natural to all gems within your court, or perhaps, better stated Pink Diamond's court. After all you weren't Pink Diamond, were you? You were Nora Universe a hybrid that happened to be like a Diamond. A human girl with gem like abilities. A sobering fact while ruling over thousands of gems. Though not so sobering once faced with what Blue and Yellow express.
"Sorry P  I need time to clear my head. I'm going to lie down please keep tabs on my brother and his friends while I nap." As you stand from the thrown Pearl's hand pulls away grasping her other.
"Yes my Nora." She offers a saluting bow as you walk to your quarters.
Your head spins just as wildly as your thoughts echo within. Your head resting on your pillow. Shoes discarded haphazardly by the beds side. Blanket pulled to your chest as your eyes close. That when the true confusion begins.
"There will be no more excuses get it done! And don't expect me to look kindly on this transgression. Embark at once." You were in the temple Garnet on the phone she towered over you she looked to be a giant as tall as the diamonds.
"Garnet??" Her footsteps bellowed shaking the ground as you try to avoid being squished like an ant.
"Yes I know there's organic life on the surface, it's an invasion."
"Garnet! What are you talking about?!" You begin to run towards her.
"You will stick to my orders and you will destroy them!" She lets out a few no's and nope's as you climb up to the windowsill,"I will not repeat myself. That is completely unacceptable."
"Well you'll have to remember won't you? All this talk of-" you were too busy to actually here what she was saying for a while as you climb up her frame and onto her shoulder."and I'll shatter you and your crew myself." You push the phone away from her ear yelling agin to be heard.
"Garnet! What are you doing?!" A slight glance of the phone reads Nephrite XJCUT763, it brings an odd feeling of déjà vu.
"Please give me a moment." She pinches at your top's collar lifting you from her shoulder and setting you down. It's no longer the temple now it is a throw room of sorts. Garnet is dressed up like Yellow sitting in a thrown data pad up and catching her gaze.
"Whoa." Giddy excitement rushes over you letting a squeal of joy out as a yellow ship flys by. "Yellow!!" You pull yourself up onto the thrown's arm rest."Hey Yellow."
"Your still here." Annoyance graces Garnets features.
"What are you doing?" Playful smile meets your features.
"I'm commanding the drop ships to colonize this planet." She rests her chin on her hand.
"I want to command a drop ship!!" Even more excitement coursing through your veins.
"Well when you have your own colony you can command whatever you want." Though she didn't roll her eyes it was clear in her voice.
"I want a colony!" Your grin is met with a simple gaze then  Yellow's attention is back on her work. "I want one now!"you complain before ultimately being distracted by a ship on her screen." What's this?"
"I'm contacting the leader of the fleet." She states as if you should've known.
"Let me do it." Diamonds shown in your eyes as you begin to mash symbols on screen.
"Don't touch that!" You're yanked away eyes glaring down at you.
"Why not? You have so many worlds and I don't even have one! It's not fair! I want one! I want my own army! I want my own planet! I deserve it! I'm just as important as you!" You stopped your foot and pointed blame anger yet sadness the feeling of being ignored and excluded overall making you react with pure emotion.
"Then why don't you ac like it, Pink?!" Raging glares of Diamond like pulps stare down at you.
Hurt and anger build up as you walk away from her thrown looking in the mirror you don't see yourself but Pink. A sneer on her face as you both raise a fist and throw a punch. Glass cracking leaving the reflection shattered.
You let a scream out as you roll out of your bed quickly guards along with pink pearl rush in. Weapons from the guards are pulled ready to fight as pink runs to aid you.
"My Nora are you alright? What happened?"the pink tinted pearl looked over you for any signs of harm and checks over your gem about a dozen times.
"I had a dream....Pink...Yellow...they were- forget it. I'm fine." You stand to the dismay of pearl.
"Please My Nora take it easy you are part human too." Her concern is genuine but the feeling you have about it is mixed.
"Guards you're dismissed pearl follow me." You begin to head towards the door.
"Yes my Nora." She followed behind.
"I need to talk with some gems. I don't think Pink me or whatever was shattered. I need to know the truth."
"My Nora?"pearl questions. Something pearls were never intended to do it just made you think more. More possibilities.
Possibilities and theories that you were uncertain of. Was Pink defective? Or did Diamonds change? Did they grow over time? Only a few in the galaxy would know. The diamonds and their pearls especially the pearl of Pink if she had one and of course personal gaurds. Unfortunately secretes seem to unlock more questions than answered but secretes are secrets. You simply must know how to use them and they hold the answers to the unimaginable.

(Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be out hopefully soon after SU airs again, which thankfully is soon. I may post a filler chapter in the meantime or I may not idk should I? Sorry for crappy scheduling guys.)

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