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• Her~

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I'm happy that I finally show my real smile again.

Seungmin, I'm so thankful for you.
You came in my life.
It became brighter than ever.

Although I'm happy for it but Jisung can't get off my mind.

Today, walking with Seungmin, he hold my hands because I can't walk properly since my knees hurt.

We both were laughing until a familiar figure show up in front of us.

I catch that he had two cartons of banana milk in his hand.

His eyes were different, it's not those evil eyes again.

Smiling at Seungmin, I hold his hands tighter and walk pass him.

• • •

A week passed,
There's no presence of Seungmin.
He have been ignoring my texts and calls.

He did not show up in the class.


I should just notice that no one wanted to stay with me....

『 why 』  han jisung Where stories live. Discover now