SwaSan plan (✔️)

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RagLak were sleeping, taking a nap
right after the breakfast. After they come home, it was just 12 pm, but they were so full by the food that they were too tired and kept the nap 😴.

Ragini was close to him, she could hear his heartbeat, which was like a mediation sound for her she kept on sleep as she found the right place in Laksh embrace.

Laksh could feel her body heat. He loves her a lot and finally he can feel it. His confusion, he was having is now over. He was complete as long as she is with her.

Laksh turns holding her tight, she was now underneath him. Ragini opens her eyes as his weight was something new for her, even if it wasn't his intention, but she was trying to breath.

"La... La... Laksh ji...


Laksh murmurs, "kiya hua Ragini {What happen}? Let me sleep na."

Ragini nods hardly, "okay, but release me. I can't breath."

Laksh opens his eyes. She looked at him and he looked at her.

Laksh widen his eyes, "I'm so sorry."

Laksh broke the hug and releases her from his embrace.

Ragini took deep breaths, "Laksh, you should lose on some weight.

Laksh looked at her with an open mouth, "What?"

Ragini smiles, she rolls over the bed to her side and stood up. She adjust herself and walks down to the hall.

Swara looked at Ragini and her messed hair.

Swara looked at Ragini and her messed hair

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A Whispering conversation started.

Sanskaar hold Swara, "What the hell is going on?"

Swara shrugs, "I don't know, but we have to do something or else they will become one. If they became an unity this will be our end."

Sanskaar nods, "Haan, but how we will break their new found love for each other?"

Swara was thinking, "I know how. He thinks he doesn't love me, well he might not love me anymore, but we can create situations in which it looks like that he still has feelings for me, what you say?"

Sanskaar nodded, "well done you have a very devilish mind. I'm here for your support you carry on. I will lead her to the happening."

Swara smirked, "haan I will create it and you will bring her to see it with her eyes. Let's see how strong their love and trust is?"

Both left the hall with an evil smirks.

Laksh fumes, he checked himself, what she said I need to lose some weight?! Ragini you are not that slim... he remembers her thin waist he had touched early the morning... uff Ragini you make me go crazy... thinking of her cute pout... oh man I want to hug you my life time... smiling like mad... uff that kiss I wanna repeat it as soon as possible.

(Just forget Susheel)

Laksh was doing some workout on Ragini's requests.

He went to the washroom and took a quick shower. When he comes out just in a towel he sees her...

"Swara!!! What the hell are you doing here? Get out!"

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"Swara!!! What the hell are you doing here? Get out!"

Swara comes closer and Laksh moves backward.

"Swara Bhabhi What the hell are you trying to do?"

Swara shook her head, "Laksh baby, don't call me Bhabhi. I can still be yours, but you have to keep it as a secret."

Laksh felt disgusted, "Chi...! You are a disgusting woman. I can't believe that I had feelings for you. I'm not even sure what these feelings were, but now I'm sure, they were just a mere of attraction and not love. Chi how couldn't I see a diamond like Ragini and fall in a trap of lies of yours. I hate You, but more than You I hate myself that I hurt Ragini by calling you as my love. Chi!"

Ragini comes inside the room and hugs him tight. Laksh got surprised he couldn't understand first, but then he saw Sanskaar standing outside the door, then he understood that it was a plan to create a rift between them.

"Get Out Swara! You and your Husband better stay away from us!" Laksh shouted at her.

Swara left in anger and Sanskaar made a fist.

They went to their room.

Sanskaar looked at her, "your plan failed. Not only this, but he also confessed all his feelings and misunderstandings he had. Now there is no way to break them apart actually we have unite them."

Swara was angry, "Shut Up! I will break them apart just wait and watch."

Ragini was so happy, "Laksh I love you. I would never trusted her as I know she is the bad one, who is trying to harm you."

Laksh was relieved, "haan I know. We need to find the truth and then expose them in front of the family."

Ragini looked at him, "haan, but now wear some clothes and come down,0 she said with a blush and left the room.

They all ate and the day went to an end.

Now they were sleeping again in each other's embrace.


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