The truth (✔️)

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Recap: Ragini as Laksh PA.

DP was angry, "AP call everyone!"

AP was shocked, "Ji what happened is everything alright?"

DP glares at her, "Didn't you hear what I said, just do it!" He shouted at AP who was frighten to hell.

All come and RagLak well Laksh was angrier than DP as he was disturbed in his kiss.

Ragini whispers, "Laksh enough."

Laksh huffs, "What enough. I'm just saying whatever it was it could be said later or at the dining table. Why to call us all of a sudden?"

Ragini hold his hand, "maybe it is very important!"

Laksh mimics her again, "very important, Uff!"

They all come downstairs and were looking at DP. Laksh was the only one, who was looking at his wife.

DP glares at him, "Laksh won't you mind to give me some of your precious time, A little bit of your attention?"

Laksh looked at him, "you are not beautiful like my wife, but okay."

Ragini widen her eyes, "Laksh!" She blushes as everyone was looking at her.

Laksh smiles, "see all are looking at my beautiful wife."

DP shook his head, "I have to make an announcement."

All looked at him now. Even Laksh was giving him the requested attention, but he was holding his wife's hand.

"Today Ragini found a discrepancy in our account files. After that I called our finance department, who checked the given allegations and confirmed them. I can't believe it? but my own family betrayed me and Stolen from me. All what is mine is yours. Did I ever refused you to give you the money?

Sanskaar and Swara why you stolen from us! I'm saying us not me because we earned it together!"

Sanskaar was shocked, how the hell, Why Ragini got the finance file?"

Laksh become angry, "Wah Sanskaar Wah. You and Swara are the real reason why Ragini had to go this far."

Ragini stopped him, "Laksh, no."

Laksh shook his head, "no Ragini, still you want to keep quiet. I can't and I won't. The real reason why Ragini pushed Swara was that Swara and Sanskaar were behind all this."

AP tried to stop him too, "Laksh, not yet."

Laksh fumes, "not yet then, when? Sanskaar has played to be mad and Ragini knew it. He wanted to use Ragini against me. He wanted to hurt me, because you," he points on DP, "you have refused the alliance with Kavitha. She has vanished or is death I don't know, but he wanted to take revenge from us and Swara, she never loved me. She too is here only to make my life a living hell. But for your information as long as Ragini is with me my life is (like) living in a heaven."

Swara steps ahead, "Shut Up! We haven't done anything."

Laksh comes closer to her too,
"You haven't, then why you were drunken the nights? Why you were ready to change yourself because you loved me or because you wanted to take revenge from me?"

Swara shook her head, "revenge for what?"

Ragini made a step, "because he had kidnapped you!"

Laksh looked at his wife, "haan I did, but I apologised to you and Swara I saved you."

Swara fumes, "haan you saved me, but you were the one, who put me in danger in first place."

Laksh nods, "haan I agree, but then we become friends then why you wanted to take revenge?"

Swara shows her plan, "first of all I took revenge from Ragini! She got the name of a father and I was called dirty blood. Even from my own Daadi! I got to know that you are her fiancé I tried to manipulate Papa, but somehow you got saved. Then I thought how to get rid off you or at least how to break her."

Laksh made a fist, "you did this all to take revenge for the name? If your mother didn't had the guts to tell you, who your father is and your father didn't had the guts to accept you then how is Ragini the reason for it?"

Ragini was looking at Laksh.

"Don't forger she was the one who fought for You. You didn't stand up. she did! She gave you the right! She accepted your mother and gave her the place of her late mother. Then why you take revenge from her.?

Swara bursted our, "because she had all! And with you she would also gain fame and money! No, I couldn't let that happen. So I roamed around you! But then Sanskaar come, I thought I have you in my trap, uff! Well I was still doing my parties. Drinking and taking drugs weren't a big deal as I always did this."

Laksh felt disgusted, "you are so cheap. You took revenge and then you even blame us! That we betrayed you. We have fooled you, you are a shameless woman. But finally you confessed it."

Sanskaar comes to her side, "haan so what?! Mr. DP Maheshwari has rejected my choice, but yours was accepted. I tried to turn Ragini bad, but she fooled me. One night I followed her how she was trying to stop Swara from doing parties then I understood she is just using me to know my intentions. I met Swara at nights to come closer to her then I got to know she doesn't love you. Even she wants to take revenge from You. You know what that meant to me I got a lottery ticket. But Ragini was there! She was as smart as I was but she never thought I would come with Swara."

Ragini shook her head, "no, I never thought that! How you both could get married and then even consummated it just within one night?"

Swara laughs, "who said we didn't done it before?"


Shekhar gave her a slap.

DP had called them and asked to wait from outside.


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