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I was sitting on the bench cross legged, drinking my hot coffee as usual. Looking at The people walking on the street is a strangely satisfying habit . Just like every time many crazy thoughts hunted me and I'm lost in there .Everything was normal until he appeared .He was tall. it was easy to notice him in a crowded place  like this . However I think that what got my attention was not his height but the guitar  he was carrying. Seeing him reminded me of someone I cherish a lot ...Minutes later I remembered that i have to take my car's keys from my mother's office . On my way , i saw him again. At first i didn't pay too much attention until the sun hit my face so i moved a bit the left and used his back as a shelter from those burning rays . His shoulders are really board . Unconsciously, i touched his back . Sometimes, i get carried away by beautiful things .... As i was passing my hand through his back ,suddenly He turned his head to me and gave me a 'wtf' look and then a smirk . I swear that my heart  skipped a beat . To save myself from this weird situation , i just ran away taking the opposite sidewalk . Moving my hand up to meet my eyes , i still can remember those feelings i had . It's just like a kid discovering a new world . The thought of it sets off electric currents and sends them shooting through me .I said to myself : if we are meant to be I'm going to see him again.
The same day at 8 PM ..
I I was drinking a hot coffee, again,at my favorite coffee shop accompanied with a chocolate cake . It's not like I need energy, but more like I feel the urge to eat something sweet with that bitterness of the coffee ; great and perfect combination .I've always seen life like that ; bitter and sweet . I guess that's how things are supposed to be : a mix of the two. Drowning in those philosophical thoughts, my eyes caught him again . While staring at him, I noticed that he has hazel eyes . Just like mine  ... He has long perfectly messy black hair, dimples on his cheeks a perfect shaped nose and  full lips unlike me .Staring at him made my heart racing like the first time I was on a  roller coaster . And so,  he met my gaze. At that moment, I lost all track of time. I have always wanted time to stop ,even for a minute so I can breath  and here is the anonymous stoping it for me and doing me a favor he doesn't even know he's doing. I'm drowning.. No I'm not .I'm diving in so deep that I want to keep on living  in the ocean of his eyes. I am going to call you Blue. You are the ocean I have never wanted to get into.I mean it's has been years since the last time i went to swimming. But here i am ... We kept the eye contact for five minutes straight Then you broke it . You're smiling now  and I thought that you were going towards me but you passed me.I heard you saying 'hey' . I knew that was not for me but to another female .I closed my eyes. Kaitlyn you are stronger than that just because you've just broken up with your boyfriend doesn't allow you to fall for anyone like that without even knowing who they are .I guess he  is my first ' Love from the first sight '. Blue you should know that I fell for you without even knowing you . I want to see you one day playing on your guitar for me...I finished the rest of my cake took my coffee and got out of the shop .I heard quick steps behind me and then someone patted my back and when I turned around it was him ..:" oh hey ! you left your purse on the table . Eh ..you know in Rain's Coffee Shop '
I couldn't believe my eyes nor could I believe my ears ... you're talking to me ..Your voice is deeper than the ocean ....I was so nervous to talk so I just smiled . As I was taking my purse  my hand gently brushed yours and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks . Not now Kaitlyn not now .. to break the awkwardness I was falling  in i said ' thank you so much . People like you are rare these days '. You gave me a genuine  smile that your dimples showed .We stand there , on the street , doing nothing but smiling at each other and i wished this moment could last longer ...: So what is your name ? ... You say that while rubbing your neck...
are you by chance nervous too ? I am so happy hearing that coming out of you
:Kaitlyn my name is Kaitlyn what about you ?
'I am Hudson '
..So Blue your real name is Hudson.... Blue Hudson ... that's funny to say ...
: i like your eyes ! '
: thanks but these are actually eye' lenses . It's not the real color !'
Before i could say any words someone called him .... That's her ....The female he came to see today...
: Sorry ! I have to go !
- yeah sure !
-i'll see you around .... maybe ?
I gave him a deep look, just like his voice, and i left .
Maybe not ....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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