May 28, 2012 - Memorial Day, Ft Lee Virginia

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May 28, 2012— Memorial Day, Ft Lee Virginia

G’morning, rise and shine, ya-da ya-da—fuck me.

I got called in to cover SSG Hanks whose wife went into labor today (a baby girl they're naming Mia, he showed me the ultrasound a weekend or so ago).

Guess where that means I am? Sitting in the rear storage compartment of the HIMARS, writing, while everyone else goes for a smoke. Cause I’m precious like that.

Not really. I just like sitting in small places, that doesn’t make me precious it makes me weird.

Anyways, it’s Memorial Day. I'm supposed to be in Washington D.C. right now at Arlington National Cemetery, instead I woke up early this morning to lead PT session and ran my bum off with B group. Maybe I’ll be in A group by the end of next month, depends on what I can convince my legs to do. We’ll chat later, I’ll get back to you on that.

Smoke break’s over, Ethan, Mark and I are removing the launcher module on HIMARS 27 today for final inspections before it ships to Afghanistan. So much for pulling out, huh? I’ll write more when I get my next break.

Warning, things take a very severe turn here in the next entry. This is a very short entry, and there is a reason why I never added more later that day when I said I would.

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