May 27, 2012 - Memorial Day Weekend in Virginia

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Alright, I don't know if my spiel covered this well enough. Everything I post in this is STRAIGHT out of my journal. I didn't edit anything--not even the punctuation marks. So yeah, this is my unproffesional writing style you are all getting a look at! The only thing I can't transfer over is the drawings--I might actually take pictures of those to put them into the media part. Dunno, we'll see. Let me know if you want me to!

May 27, 2012

The Sunday before Memorial Day, an amazing time to be in the armed service. The strong sense of family between all of us, pride and honor to carry on the legacy of those before us drove the preparation. I’d spent the last few days helping schedule tomorrow’s activities—a trip to the cemetery and Washington D.C.

Today though, I snuggled deeper into the rich hotel’s soft comforter and pillows while Kevin meandered around in the ensuite bathroom. Not a bad sight to wake up to. Not bad at all, considering all he’d put on was a heavy cotton towel around his hips.

Lean muscles and long limbs…yum.

“Are you staring at my ass again, Emma?” the teasing lilt to his voice made me grin. Caught again, awe shucks.

The whole weekend had been like this. An escape from duty and my new obligations as squad leader on top of assistant instructor for the incoming soldiers here at the AIT base. Kevin had been begging me to escape with him for weeks now; I’d only just given in because the stress was slowly eating away at my motivation.

It also didn’t help that I hadn’t heard from my family in weeks now and today was my little sister’s birthday. Off-handedly, I wondered if her present arrived alright.

“Emma, come back.”

I shook my head out of my reverie and offered Kevin a ghost of the smile I knew he was after. “Sorry, doll.”

“Nah, don’t be. Where’d you go?”

I shrugged, quite the accomplishment while lying in bed I might add. “It’s Deb’s birthday today.”

“Jeesus,” something I like about Kevin: he always sounds so dramatic whenever he says Jesus. He stretches the word out like Jeeeeeeeez-us, adorable. “why didn’t you tell me?”

For once I didn’t smart back immediately, instead pointedly looking at the white hotel towel around his hips then down where I was still naked and cocooned in soft blue cotton sheets. “Well, for starters. We were a little busy and the topic about my baby sister was not going to cross my mind.”

“We could have just talked about what was going on with you—”

I laughed. Couldn’t help it. Kevin’s face turned beat red while I laughed like a maniac in bed. Was probably quite the sight for him—bed head, lounging in bed, starts cackling. Oh yeah, sexy. Not. But who cares? It was Kevin for chrissakes. That’s the wonderful thing about friends with benefits—you don’t have to try and impress anyone with your suave prowess.

“Yeah, cause I wanted you to play therapist with me. I enjoyed last night, fuck you very much.” Still fighting back the insane urge to belly roll and laugh until my sides hurt, I sat up and left the sheets behind. “Now, I need to hit the shower before we head back to base.”

And I left him there, but he didn’t stay out in the room for too long. Friends with benefits also means, when you walk around naked you’re probably going to get more than just a shower. Kevin was pretty great at that—so, there were no complaints from me when I wasn’t the only one in the shower stall a few moments later.


Jane asked me half a dozen times what happened with Kevin, for the most part I blew her off. I spared a few details about showers, walls, and the little coffee table we ended up having to replace. Jane wasn’t the only thing waiting for me back on base either, apparently the Marine Rick Dubois kept hinting to her that he wanted to see me again. He’d left quite a few texts for me on her phone…all of them pretty much begging to take me out on a date. Little ol’ muah, on a date? It’d be my first…no, I don’t count what Kevin and I do as dates. We know the score.

Rick and I met at the mall on Friday while I was waiting for Kevin to finish shopping with Bill and Jane—I didn’t really care for meandering around Journey and JCPenny’s so I’d hung back. (Flaw of Kevin’s—he likes JCPenny’s.) He kept me company, made me laugh, and we ended up eating lunch together. Neither of us spoke about being military, he only realized I was in the Army as I’d left telling him my battle buddies had finally finished up. I guess he’d recognized Jane because they worked in the same building and kept pestering her to get in touch with me.

It worked.

I have to admit, having a marine pine after me is kind of fun. The fact we’re not supposed to hang around them after hours? What’s a little fun without breaking a rule or two.

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