A New Beginning

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Cameron's POV

   I feel the cool air hit me in the face as soon as Nash, Matt, Carter and I walked out of Taco Bell. We were up late doing a Livestream for the fans, and it ended up lasting a few hours longer than expected. When we finished, we were really hungry, plus when are you not in the mood for taco bell?  Nash begins to create a vine. We all begin to play the Lipgloss song and dance around. Nash finishes the vine, and we all burst out laughing. "Remember when Mahogany would play that at Magcon?" Carter spoke first.  We all look at eachother just letting the memories flood back. 


"Thank You New Jersey! We love you!" I shouted and walked off stage. I still can't believe this is my last Magcon event. I am going to miss hanging out with all the guys, but I know that I must move on, I have a whole life ahead of me, this was just the beginning.

"Yo Cam we are heading to the airport now...go say goodbye." Carter yells

'Alright i will be right there!"

After I said goodbye to all the guys I was already in tears. This began to make me think about Shawn. He has grown so much from what he was one year ago. We are all so proud of him.


We turn around the corner onto the street our apartment is on. All of the sudden we hear a muffled scream. We all look at each other and start sprinting towards the sound. We turn down an abandoned street and see a young girl who looks four or five held up against a wall. There is a man in front of her with a gun held up to her head.

“FREEZE” I Scream.

“EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HANDS.” Matt screams back. I shoot him the “now’s not the time to be an idiot” glare and he shuts up. The man looks up at me, and I can feel his eyes scanning me through his ski mask.

I turn to Nash, and whisper, “call the police, and hurry.”  He nods and runs off to make the call, Matt not following far behind. It’s a good thing Matt went, I don’t think he could take anything seriously if his life depended on it.

“Back away from the girl,” I spit at the criminal.

“Who’s gonna make me?” the vicious man replied with a smirk, finger balanced on the trigger. The girl whimpered and her small, frail body was shaking. I couldn’t stand looking at her petrified face anymore, so I knocked the gun out of his hand and lunge at him. Carter quickly gets rid of the gun and holds the little girl in his protective arms. I begin to punch the horrible man in the face, him to cough warm blood which sprays all over my face. I finally get the man onto his stomach with his hands behind his back, just in time for the police to come and handcuff his arms. I stand up and try to wipe some of the blood off my white t-shirt, but it’s no use. After the police manage to get the man in the car, they begin to ask Nash, Matt, Carter and I questions.

“Can you please describe the situation from your point of view?” The police man asks. He hard dark circles under his eyes, and wrinkles above his forehead. I placed my hands behind my neck as I search my brain for an explanation. “Well, the boys and I were walking home from taco bell –“

“At one in the morning?”

“Everyone needs a midnight snack. Anyways, we were almost at our apartment. We have to pass this ally, and while we were walking by, we heard this piercing scream so the guys and I ran over. I told Nash to call the police, while Carter and I managed to get the gun away from the guy. Before he could come at us, I jumped on top of him and started punching him,” I finished my explanation, still a little confused by what had just happened. So much happened in such a short period of time. The police man scribbles a few notes into his notepad. I look over at the guys. Matt’s staring off into space, Nash has his eyebrows furrowed and still appears confused, and Carter is still holding the little girl in his arms while she plays with his hat.

I begin to look at the girl’s face, I only saw her for a few seconds while I was beating up the guy who almost shot her. Her face was covered in bruises, and she had blue eyes that almost appeared grey, and she had those eyes in which you could tell she was hurting. Her dirty-blonde hair was shoulder length, and she looked about four or five. She was also very small and delicate, but you could tell she was strong because of everything she had to put up with. I was snap backed to reality when I heard Carter ask, “What about the girl?”

The police man sighs and responds, “Well, from our records she is currently staying at the Orphanage just down the street. We’ll just take her back there.”

The girl had a disappointed look on her face, and I could tell she was holding back tears.

“That won’t be necessary,” I tell him. “We’d like to adopt her.”

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