Chapter 1

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Chap. 1

Today is the day. The day I might finally get a new job. I have been working as a nanny since I was twenty and now I am twenty- four so four years. At first I just wanted to earn some money to pay for college but now I actually love it. However my last boss was a real creep and would always try to make a move on me. It’s not even like he was some hot single parent in his late twenties no he was in his forties and he was still married and I am not about to be some old guys other women.

I guess I should knock on the door now. It is so nerve wracking waiting for…

“Hello how may I help you?”

“Hi I’m Amanda Larson here for the interview for the nanny position.”

“Mr. Grayson will be with you in a minute you can wait here for now. I am Mrs. Smith the head of housekeeping here.” As she walked away a moment to look around the room, it is amazing! I forgot to mention that even the outside was grand. This man clearly has a lot of money.

Suddenly I felt a tug on my leg. As I look down I see the cutest little girl she had blonde hair and big blue eyes.

“Who are you?” she asked me.

“My name is Amanda, and who are you?”

“I’m Kate. Why are you here?”

“I’m here to talk to your daddy about being your new nanny.”

“But you look young to be a nanny the other one was really old and smelt funny.”

“I’m twenty-four I guess that is kind of young.”

“I’m four. Do you want to play with my dolls with me?”

“I would love to!”

She sat with me while I waited. It was a great distraction from my nerves about the interview. Suddenly I heard a door open; I was expecting to see Mr. Grayson bit instead it was some red-headed lady.

“Kate what are you doing out of your room!” she said getting angry at her.

“I got bored in my room and came down to find daddy but instead I found Amanda and she started to play with me.” Kate responded.

She turns and looks at me. It seems as if she is criticizing me and I already don’t like her for that.

“Hi I’m Amanda Larson. I’m here for an interview for the nanny position.” I said to her.

“I’m Emma Wilson. Mr. Grayson’s fiancée”

“I’m sorry about Kate being out of her room, I didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to be out of her room.”

“Its fine I guess, but if you do get the job make sure they stay where they are supposed to.”

“Yes ma’am” what a bitch is all I can think right now. Who the hell makes kids stay in their rooms, they should be able to run around and not stay in one room.

“ELIZABETH!” Ms. Wilson suddenly screamed.

Mrs. Smith came walking up. I guess Elizabeth is her first name.

“Would you take Kate back up to her room, and make sure she doesn’t leave it again.” Ms. Wilson said.

  “Of course ma’am.”

Then Kate started to get upset. “NO! I don’t want to go back to my room! I want to stay and play with Amanda!”

“You must go to your room!” Ms. Wilson replied

“NO! I WON’T GO! I won’t go!” she just kept screaming that. I picked her up and started to comfort her right when the door opened and out stepped who I am guessing is Mr. Grayson.

“What is going on out here!” he said. Right when Kate saw her dad she started pulling towards him. He came over and took her out of my arms and started to comfort her himself.

“What’s wrong sweetie? Why are you crying?” he asked soothingly.

“I came down to see if you would play with me but instead I met Amanda and started playing with her but then Emma came down and got angry with me and called for Liz (Elizabeth) to come bring me to my room but I wanted to keep playing with Amanda” it was kind of hard to understand her considering she was still crying a bit.

“Who is Amanda?” he asked her. She pointed at me saying “That’s Amanda she is here about becoming my new nanny.”

He looked at me and gave me a slight head nod to acknowledge me then turned to Ms. Wilson saying “I’ll talk to you later about this Emma. Liz please go back to whatever you were doing before. Katy how about you wait out here while I talk to Amanda about the position and then we will play.”

“But Will baby…” Ms. Wilson started to say.

“Not now we will talk about it later” he snapped at her.

Great now I probably won’t get the job and will have to keep staying with my brother.

 ~ Thanks for reading hope you liked it!~


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