Chapter Seven

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It was dark out, and the wind was upset again, blowing around any loose snow that it could find it. When Tweek spotted Craig's the building in the distance, he wanted to be happy but couldn't. He was calf deep in snow, and he remembered how long it took him to get this far and if he had to guess it would take some more time for him to get to him.
               Tweek was in a lot of pain, his fingers were numb, his ears burned, and his face siff from the tears he had tried so hard to fight back earlier, but couldn't. He felt fucking hopeless and decided he officially hated snow, something he always loved.
               Tweek wondered if Craig wondered where he was at the moment, and if he cared. And if he got there would Craig let him in? Tweek was so worried, and didn't know what he would do if Craig refused to let him in. There was no possible way he would survive their Colorado winter without shelter. 
            When Tweek finally made it to the building, his heart started to pound as he assumed without Craig he would be turned away. Tweek tried to stomp away as much access snow as possible before entering the lobby. As he slowly walked passed the front desk, a doorman that he didn't know stopped him and asked where he was going. Tweek's heart started racing as he pulled down the hooded and walked over to him.
            "I'm Tweek Tweak, staying with Craig in PH3" Tweek told him. It was an agonizing wait.
           The guy typed in Tweek's name and looked at Tweek before smiling. "Welcome back sir, do you need assistance?"
                Tweek exhaled in relief. Then shook his head as he headed to the elevators. When Tweek got to the front door he could hear the tv on loudly. He was nervous as he entered, he wasn't sure how Craig would respond to him now arriving.


When Tweek slowly walked into the apartment, Craig drop everything that he was holding to help him take off his back package and then coat. Token even stopped what he was doing to helped. Clyde glanced back for a second and went back to playing the game.
          Craig could feel his chest tightening when he saw Tweek's face. His face was blush red, with vines of tear lines that went down his ashy cold face. Tweek didn't seem all there, his movement was stiff and Craig could feel the coldness radiating off of him.
           Craig helped him take off his ice cold boots and then helped him to his room and covered him with the towels Token had found. Craig went for dry clothes, and gave it to Tweek to change into.
              As Tweek changed, Craig didn't look away, he was surprised that Tweek had a nice body; he had definitions for someone who Craig guarantees has never worked out a day in his life. When Tweek was now dry and wrapped in the comforter, Craig sat next to him.
           "Are you ok?" Craig asked, finally.
           Tweek nodded and tried to hide the tears that fell by turning and quickly wiping them. Craig was worried, with all the covers on him, Tweek couldn't stop shivering.
            "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it would be hard for you to get home."
              Tweek looked up, he was shocked that Craig was apologizing for something completely out of his control. "It's not your fault, so please don't think that," Tweek said looking away when Craig frowned.
              "Here it's hot tea with lemon," Token said.
               Tweek look at Token and smiled. "Thank you."
               Craig sat next to Tweek, and just watched him sip. Tweek's hair covered his eyes, so Craig couldn't tell if they were even open. Tweek's skin looked so red, as if the blood was finally circulating.
              "It was after I left school that I realized, it would be difficult for you to get here. Worst part is I had no way of contacting you and you don't have my contact."
               Craig watched as Tweek lift his head up and turned to him. Craig could see his eyes, and they looked warm, his heart melted and it confused the shit out him.
                "Craig, none of this is your fault. Days ago you could have left me to die but you didn't. You didn't have to let me into your home, but you did. I'm forever grateful for your kindness," Tweek said looking away. "Besides, it would suck if I froze to death days later, after all you've done for me." Tweek said and chuckled.
           Craig blushed. He then raised an eyebrow, and laughed. "Can I get you anything? Hungry?"
             Tweek was hungry but too tired to eat so he shook his head. "Tired."
              "I would be too if I climbed a mountains. Call if you need anything," Craig said grabbing the towels off the floor and the empty mug, before leaving the room and closing the door quietly behind him.


When the door closed, Tweek couldn't wrap his mind around why he felt so sad that Craig was gone. He wasn't far, but he couldn't see him and for that reason he slightly missed his presence.
            Tweek couldn't get over Craig's reaction when he entered, he looked extremely worried for him. Even Token did. Tweek caught a glimpse of Clyde but he was playing videos when he entered. Tweek honestly didn't imagine Craig to care about him, it made him happy to know that some people still did and still remembered him.
            Tweek sat wrapped in the heavy blanket, but was still shivering. His fingers and his toes hurting as the blood was finally circulating freely. Tweek moved to the center on the bed, pulled from under his pillow the photo of parent and placed it by his head as he tried to sleep.
             Tweek couldn't stop shivering and because so he couldn't sleep. Now he feared that maybe he was coming down with a cold.  As he laid awake, he tried to listen to the excitement that was going on in the living room. The walls were well made and they kept out a lot of noise, so Tweek only listen in when it appeared as if they were yelling at each other.
             Tweek envied their relationship, wished he was apart of something like that. He would give anything to be out there with them, but he knew if he ever left the room he could ruin their mood entirely. Everyone that Tweek had ever consider friends turned on him, his first love used him, life was quite lonely.
         When Tweek's shivers stopped, he turned on his back and stared at the ceiling. When he felt warm tears pour from his eyes, he didn't wiped them. They were warm and the release felt nice. His chest felt heavy, he covered his eyes with his right arm and used his other hand to cover his mouth as he cried. Tweek cried silently until he was tired enough to fall asleep.


Craig couldn't stop glancing at Tweek's room door. He honestly wasn't sure if Tweek was truly ok in there. At the same time, he didn't want to come off overprotective especially around the guys or seem as though he was invading Tweek's privacy by going in to check on him. So yes he was concerned, but couldn't do much of anything at the moment.
              When the clock turned 1:00 in the morning, Craig glanced at his best friends and then back at the time. This is the first time he has ever wondered when they planned to leave. Normally he would say, 'I'm going to bed' and if they wanted to they could just choose a room to sleep in. Now that was no longer the case. Craig was aware that it would be a sensitive matter for Clyde, if he asked them to go, so he decided to let them decided what they wanted to do.
          Craig yawned.  "I'm going to bed guys," He said standing.
             "Me too, Clyde I'll drive you home," Token said looking at Craig before turning to Clyde.
             "Cool," Clyde said stretching then he turned to Craig and grinned. Craig knew that grin, he was going to say something inappropriate. "Like I said before, lock your bedroom—"
             "—Ok, yeah good night," Craig said, dismissing him as he turned his back to him.
              When they left, Craig spent the next 20 minutes straightening the area. As he turned off all the lights, he stopped by Tweek's room and quietly opened the door.
        Tweek was sleeping, his face turned towards the door, with a hand covering one of his eyes. Everything about they way Tweek slept made Craig wonder what were his last thoughts before falling asleep.
             When Craig noticed that Tweek was sleeping with a photo of his parents next to him, he wondered had Tweek been crying? So many emotions was running through him, Craig felt so bad for him. Craig gently closed the door and went right to his room to shower before getting into bed.
             Craig's last thought before falling asleep surprised him. It was on how beautiful he thought Tweek's greens eyes were, when Tweek looked up at him after taking a sip of the tea Token had made him.

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