Chapter Two; Mysterious

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Mickey vomited for the third time that morning...he was getting quite annoyed. "Hey Mick? Ian's here" Mandy said from outside the door "okay thanks" Mickey said after he rinsed his mouth with mouthwash "morning" "morning" "still sick?" "Yeah, I must have a bug of something" "I thought I'd drop in before work" Ian smiled "thanks Ian, we have an appointment in an hour" "tell me what happens, alright?" "Alright" Mickey nodded and Ian kissed the shorter male on the forehead then left for work. Mickey and Mandy made their way to the clinic just to sit there for an hour "when is the Doc coming I gotta piss again" "shh Mickey" "Mr. Milkovich" "finally" Mickey mumbled as he and his sister walked into the room "what's the problem" "I'm sick obviously" "don't be rude. He's been vomiting for a month plus other wierd things..." Mandy said trailing off "like what?" "He needs to pee like every five minutes, weird food habits and the mood of an old man" "huh?" "What does this mean?" "Err Mickey what's your prefered gender to date?" "Guys...I'm gay" "uh okay... do you top or bottom?" "What's it to you!" "I need to take some blood" "My boyfriend is clean and so am I" "I'm not testing for that" she replied as she told blood. It will be back by tomorrow so make an appointment for the same time tomorrow" she smiled "thank you" Mandy smiled "Ian's clean..." "we have to see how it goes" "sure" Mickey said as his voice broke a little.

~Time Skip to the next day~

"Stupid Kash..why couldnt he let Ian have an hour off" Mickey grumbled "he needs the cash" Mandy sniggered "fuck off Mandy" "sorry..." "Mr. Milkovich" the Doctor smiled and he and Mandy went in. "I have your results" "I don't have fucking Aids" "no you don't...but you're expecting" "what?" "You have the gene're pregnant" "oh my god" "well talk it over with your boyfriend, come back we'll discuss your options" "okay thanks Doc" Mandy nodded 'cause Mickey was speechless. "Ian finished work an hour ago, you should tell him" "will he still love me" "of course he fucking will! Now get your arse over there" "alright, alright" Mickey nodded as he made his way to Ian's house. Mickey was anxious he didn't want to tell Ian in case of rejection...but he especially didn't want to tell his father, Mickey shuddered at the thought and entered the Gallagher household "hey, is Ian home?" "Yeah upstairs" "err thanks" Mickey nodded and went upstairs "hey Ian" "hey Mick. What did the Doc say?" "Err..." "Mickey?" "Err" "did you tell them that I'm clean?" "Err yeah" "you are too right?" "Ian..." "What Mick?" Ian said turning around "I'm pregnant" Mickey replied tearing up, Ian couldn't believe what his boyfriend just said pregnant? But how... "Ian..?" "How is this possible Mick?" "Some gene I have..." Mickey sighed "well what do you want to do?" "I was gonna asked you the same thing" "you think we could raise a kid?" "Well you kinda raise Debbie, Carl and Liam" "true so we keep it then" "yeah" Mickey agreed "you guys being gay?" "No" "okay" Lip smiled "Lip...I got Mickey pregnant" "how the fuck is that possible!?" "Some rare gene...I found out today" "holy shit...Does Mandy know?" "Yeah she was with me 'cause Goat fucker didnt let Ian come" Mickey growled "you have to tell Fiona" "I know" Ian sighed "It's just...Terry I'm afraid of" " can always live here Mick" "I-Ian" Mickey replied tearingup and sniffling "just the hormones, Karen was like that too" Lip nodded "shit" Mickey said wiping his eyes "you guys can take the double bed and I can have your's" "sounds good" "lets go break the news" "alright" Mickey nodded and he followed his boyfriend down stairs "uh Fiona Mickey and I have an announcement" "what is it Ian?" "I'm pregnant" Mickey sighed "how is that possible?" "Rare gene" "shit..." "Terry will kick him out so we decided he can move in" "I can chip in for bills" "sure as long as you can do that you're welcome to stay" Fiona smiled "Thanks Fiona!" Mickey smiled as he hugged her "I mean, thanks for letting me live..." Mickey coughed "you can hug, smile and do that here you don't have to be afraid" "you're welcome Mickey" Fiona smiled.

"Lip!?" Ian said knocking on the door "What?!" "Mickey's being sick" "huh?" The older brother replied opening the door to see a puke covered Mickey "Go shower I'll clean it up" "thanks Ian" Mickey smiled slightly as he got a towel and went into the bathroom "Jesus!" Lip exclaimed "yeah its messy" Ian sighed "what's that smell?" Fiona asked "Mick spewed, he's cleaning himself up while I'm cleaning up this" "oh sweet Jesus" "heh yeah" "do you have work today?" "No, no want us to take care of Liam?" "Yes please and it will give him some training" Fiona smiled Ian chuckled "that's true. Where are you going?" "Meeting a friend" "really?" "Yeah" Fiona nodded and Ian grabbed his wallet out and oulled out a condom "just in case" "thanks Ian but I doubt we would use it but just for precautions I'll take it" "good" "now I gotta jet. Liam Ian and Mickey are taking care of you okay" "we're babysitting Lil man?" "Yeah, since the others are at the pool, Fiona's meeting a friend and Lip is anyway you get the point" "that's cool with me" Mickey nodded 'cause he knew exactly what she was doing she wanted him to get practice.

~Later that night~

The Gallagher household was quiet once more well sorta.... "mmm Ian" Mickey moaned "shhh Mick" Ian said looking up from the older males cock "Ian your such a worry wort" "well sorry" "keep sucking" "I want to try something" "what?" "69?" "As long as I go on top" Mickey nodded getting up "Alright sure" Ian replied laying down, Mickey got on top and started sucking the pale boys cock, Ian did the same. They were moaning quite loud and Ian though he would surprise his lover so he grabbed Mickey's cheeks and started lapping at his arse "Ian fuck" Mickey moaned when he pulled off Ian's 9.5 inch cock "you like that don't you" "yeah feels good" "do you want me to keep going?" "Yes Ian" Mickey replied moaning as his boyfriend ate his asrse that night.

For once Mickey made it too the toilet. All of his dinner came up along with he thinks is cum "morning Mickey" Ian said patting his pregnant boyfriend's back in response Mickey looked up at Ian and groaned

Down stairs things were going as per usual. "Why is Mickey Milkovich here?" "Wait what?" V questioned "he's living with us now due to uh..." "Morning" Mickey yawned "why are you living here when you have a house?" Carl asked "well uh I'm dating Ian and we're expecting a child and my dad will kill me if he found out" Mickey explained "oh okay" "how is that possible?" V asked "I have this rare pregnancy gene..." "and The Mickey Milkovich is gay?" Kev replied "yes pay attention" "guys electric" "yeah" Ian nodded putting in some cash "there" Mickey nodded as he put in a hundred note "you're picking up" Ian smiled "well it's not that hard" "school, fourteen minutes tops" "I'm not gonna go today, need to sort out baby stuff" "all good, V and I will come with you guys" "I'll see you guys later" "bye baby have fun at the Alibi" "thanks" Kev smiled and left along with Lip, Debbie and Carl.

"You realise we have no room for the kid right?" Fiona sighed "yeah I know" "Ian sighed "what if Ian and I get an apartment or something, it doesn't have to be big" "that's a great idea Mick" "but how will we afford it?" "We'll chip $50 in when we can" Fiona smiled "I can get a second job" "I can ask Kev if he has a job for you both" "thanks guys" Mickey said tearing up "hey your gonna be like family to us now. We're gonna have your back" Fiona smiled "again thanks" "are we gonna name our kid some Ukrainian name?" "Well...I've always like the name Dmitry" "cool that's one name on the list" "I also like the name Rylee for a girl" "I like it too" "Awesome. I gotta take a leak I'll be back" Mickey said getting up "Ian?" "Yeah?" "Are you err gonna propose to him?" "Have you guys spoken about marriage?" V asked "well err no...but I really love him" "Does he love you?" "Yes he does" "well Propose!" Fiona exclaimed "where am I gonna get a ring Fiona?" "Pick Pocketing" "Pawn shop" "is Monica an option?" "No way! Not since her and black muscles tried to take Liam away" "just a thought.." V replied drinking here beer "I can ask Mandy" Ian nodded "good option" "I'm back" "so for now we have Dmitry and Rylee for names and a living option" Fiona smiled "sounds great" Mickey replied smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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