Chapter 9

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Williams POV

Parking in front of the bank I was in a very good and friendly mood this morning, I don't know why I could not even pinpoint the source of the happiness, I just know I was smiling unusually this morning.

I walked into the bank with this happy mode,here and then I didnt know what came over me, I should have just gone directly to the general manager office but I felt I should observe protocol for a day, William you too act like any regular customer.

This thought led me to the customer care section of the bank to login in my complaint. Getting to the section I met a queue with over 10 people on it,since  there were four staff attending to the queue it should not take long.
The queue was getting longer behind me and it was nearing my turn, but then one customer care rep has been attending to a particular old man since I arrived,glancing towards their direction she was smiling at him,I was very irritated so while I could have just gone into the gm office and not experience any form of delay, I went out of my way to be humble and act like any other regular customer and this is what I get for that.

I walked towards this said staff there on getting there I just knew she was flirting with the innocent old man

Yes dear so when do you want to go out with me, I heard the old man say

Why don't you leave that desk of yours so you can flirt properly, I said to her, raising her head  to look at me  blazing with anger.

I beg your pardon sir?

Beg my pardon?will you just shut up do your job properly instead of looking for old men to suck money from,

Who are you,beside it not your turn yet,why would you just want to chase another customer out  because of your lack of patience?

what kind of service do you render here in the first place ?

no what kind of impatient customer are you?

how dare you talk back at me
do you know me and what I can do to you?

who cares what or who you are if you can't wait for your turn please leave, I have other customers who are patiently waiting to be attended to.

You are going to regret this I promise you,

Other customers and  her coworkers were just looking at our exchange without saying or doing anything.

I want you to leave now sir you are delaying the queue and am not sure you have any thing serious to do here in the first place,if you did you wouldn't have acted like an imaptient fool.

The head of department walked in on her  making her last statement to me. This getting interesting I thought to myself.

You will be repeating those words of yours very soon i said before storming toward the  general manager  office.

The only thing I said when I got to his office was, either you sack that lady or you will be hearing from my lawyers before the end of the day, also I will be closing all accounts with you.

With that said I stormed out of the office, forgetting the reason I was here in the first place.

Here so drama is about to begin get your seat belts ready,it going to be a very long ride.

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Lol jumoke_mi

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