Chapter 1

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Chapter one:

            “One, two…” I take a deep breath. “Three.” I let my body fall forward off of the cliff. This is it. I’m almost done. I won’t have to feel pain anymore.

            Water engulfs me like a warm embrace. Someone calls my name. It sounds muffled, strangled, and almost hysterical. I feel the water make its way into my lungs. It rips through me like fire. I feel the water shift above me. I catch a brief glimpse of a face before everything goes black.



            That’s the only thing I feel. I take a breath and a burning sensation greets me.

            Wait, I took a breath. That can’t be right. I try again and the same thing happens, and this time I’m aware of a heavy weight on my chest. I didn’t die? God I even fail at dying.

            Maybe I did die. Maybe you can breathe in the afterlife. I hope that’s the case.

            “Why isn’t she opening her eyes?” I hear the voice, though I can’t place it. I feel something wet fall onto my cheek. “Please, please Jackie, open your goddamn eyes! Please.” I feel more wet things fall onto my cheek. Something warm touches my limp fingers. What is going on? I feel the weight on my chest dissipate slightly. I involuntarily let out a small moan.

            “Jackie?” The voice sounds excited and nervous. Also male. “Jackie, listen to me, open your eyes, just a little bit, please.” I can hear the pleading in his request. His voice sounds so raw, like he’s been crying for hours. I feel the weight on my chest lift even more. I finally will my eyes to flutter open slightly. “Jackie! Oh my God! Thank God!” I see a blurry face through the small slits of my eyelids. The mystery guy leans his forehead against mine. I hear the relief in his voice. “You’re alive. I thought I lost you.” He just keeps mumbling how happy he is that I’m alive. I’m too numb to really notice any emotion.

            I’m alive. I didn’t die? How is that possible? I jumped off of a cliff for crying out loud. This guy seems happy that I’m alive. I wish I wasn’t so numb so I could figure out who he is. I feel my consciousness slipping away. The unidentified male takes my hand again. I barely hear him whisper “Just hold on.” before I black out again.

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